
Anyone ever had to have an animal put down?

  • snyds113
    Tomorrow morning at 9:45am I have to take my cat in to be put to sleep.I love my cat but there is nothing else I can do for him.I have known since thursday about this difficult deed.We wanted to spend a couple more days with him before we had to do it.This is very hard.
  • gorocks99
    Just remember, it's the humane thing to do.
  • snyds113
    The reasons I am doing it are hard to deal with.
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Sorry Snyds. I had to have my dog put to sleep when I was a youngster. It's tough, but at least they don't suffer.
  • september63
    It is sad but when the vet tells you the animal is in pain and there is nothing more that can be done. You are doing the right thing. Wait a few weeks and maybe get another.......Good Luck.
  • snyds113
    He is not in pain.He has very bad behavioral problems.I have tried everything including medicine.I brought him home as a kitten.I paid 300 dollars for him.He is a beautiful 6yr.old persian.About 3 yrs. ago he started peeing everywhere but just a little.Now it's everywhere all the time.I love him so much.We have spent so much money on cleaning and buying new thing for the house just to have him ruin them again.We have explored all options and finally the vet came to this one.It just seems cruel and hard.
  • gorocks99
    I assume he's spayed/neutered ... have you discussed giving him up for adoption? Perhaps a change in venue would change him if it's not something physical.
  • icskins
    That really sucks. I am sorry. I am not sure if you remember, but the 2 dogs that I had growing up, both had to be put down due to health reasons. That was VERY hard.
  • LJ
    snyds113 wrote: He is not in pain.He has very bad behavioral problems.I have tried everything including medicine.I brought him home as a kitten.I paid 300 dollars for him.He is a beautiful 6yr.old persian.About 3 yrs. ago he started peeing everywhere but just a little.Now it's everywhere all the time.I love him so much.We have spent so much money on cleaning and buying new thing for the house just to have him ruin them again.We have explored all options and finally the vet came to this one.It just seems cruel and hard.
    Your vet is a fucking retard.

    Cancel the appt now and we can go over some things and I may even get you in touch with my gf
  • GoChiefs
    Not trying to be a dick...but this seems like a piss poor reason to have a cat put down. There is nothing 'humane' about having a cat put down..for being a cat. And this is coming from someone that hates cats.
  • snyds113
    Yes.I have tried every option.Adoption would be a problem cause change is what causes these cats to do this.Every little change screws up their heads.The vet said his patterns would only get worse.I wouldn't want someone to get him then try to dump him somewhere if he continues.Or worse abuse him.the vet said I am doing the only responsible thing.I am still not conforted though.
  • GoChiefs
    You're not comforted b/c there is nothing 'responsible' about it. It is the easy way out.
  • UA5straightin2008
    maybe explore the option of making him/her an outdoor cat...then they can go to the bathroom outside
  • LJ
    snyds113 wrote: Yes.I have tried every option.Adoption would be a problem cause change is what causes these cats to do this.Every little change screws up their heads.The vet said his patterns would only get worse.I wouldn't want someone to get him then try to dump him somewhere if he continues.Or worse abuse him.the vet said I am doing the only responsible thing.I am still not conforted though.
    That is not a moral answer by the vet. Ask the vet what happened to the oath they took when they became licensed? Cancel the appt now. There are other options. A change is probably what the cat NEEDS. Is it declawed? Have you talked to actual behavioral?

    Like I said, your vet sucks and that isn't the correct option, it's your stupid ass vet deciding he doesn't want to deal with it anymore.
  • FatHobbit
    snyds113 wrote: The vet said his patterns would only get worse.I wouldn't want someone to get him then try to dump him somewhere if he continues.Or worse abuse him.the vet said I am doing the only responsible thing.I am still not conforted though.
    LJ wrote: Your vet is a fucking retard.

    Cancel the appt now and we can go over some things and I may even get you in touch with my gf
    Definitely get a 2nd opinion if you haven't already. It seems stupid to me to put down an animal because of behavioral problems that aren't dangerous.
  • gorocks99
    UA5straightin2008 wrote: maybe explore the option of making him/her an outdoor cat...then they can go to the bathroom outside
    I used to own one, and a Persian wouldn't last a week outside, lol
  • snyds113
    He has never stepped a paw in the outside world.He is too scared.
  • UA5straightin2008
    oh lol, shows how much i know
    There does seem to be a different solution other than what the feline Dr. Kevorkian has in mind. But I don't know much about cats. I guess if that is the only solution, I feel bad for you. Just remember the good times, and go get a kitten at the Humane Society.
  • LJ
    snyds113 wrote: He has never stepped a paw in the outside world.He is too scared.
    So? Someone with a nice heated barn would take him.
  • j_crazy
    I'd turn him loose, at least it gives him a chance at survival.
  • power i
    It's very hard and your situation makes it even harder. My parents adopted a deaf dog and as he got older he became very aggressive, especially with my 74 year old Mom. She bit my Dad and he let that go, but when she bit my Mom that was that. I don't think I've ever seen my Dad as upset over a dog as he was then.

    Very sorry for your loss.
  • gorocks99
    Persians suck at being outdoors! The fur would be a huge detriment as an "outdoor" cat. But seriously, there are other options aside from putting him down.
  • LJ
    How about you name the vet so my gf can complain about his practices on VIN
  • snyds113
    I have been trying really hard for something like that.I have catered him his whole life.Which is weird because he is not loveable at all.He is just here.He doesn't cuddle or jump on you.He doesn't like to be brushed or petted.He's nuts.