
Anyone else happy to see Conan leaving the Tonight Show?

  • gorocks99
    Coco for life.
  • hangonsloopy
    Leno is good for headlines. That's about it. And anyone could read those. They are funny by themselves.
  • fan_from_texas
    I've never thought Conan was very funny, nor do I think Letterman is very funny. With Leno, I'd only watch the monologue + headlines, as I didn't enjoy the interviews. But just comparing the monologues, I always found Leno to be much funnier than the others.
  • Con_Alma

    "..."The Tonight Show." And the people who run NBC are unmatched in the industry for fashioning fiascos — then, in an NBC tradition, super-sizing them. ..."

    "...In short, the current round of Stupid NBC Tricks should have come as no surprise to any of us viewers. It's been more like an entertaining encore of a time-honored act. ..."

    These quotes summarize my view nicely.
  • Mooney44Cards
    Leno = corporate sellout

    No wonder the mindless baby boomers love him...."Hey honey, he's talking about Cialis! We just saw that commercial! I can relate and that makes it funny!"
  • ZombieKiller
    Did anyone notice that Leno got the biggest stars on his show. While Conan had guests like Dana Carvey and Norm McDonald a lot.
  • charliehustle14
    ZombieKiller wrote: Did anyone notice that Leno got the biggest stars on his show. While Conan had guests like Dana Carvey and Norm McDonald a lot.
    Shut the hell up. You should be beaten for being stupid.

    Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler, Quentin Tarantino, Robin Williams, Ben Stiller, Tom Hanks, Will Ferrell, Steve Carrell all in just this week on Conan.

    Over the short 7 month span, Conan had Hanks, Joe Torre, Jamie Foxx, Bradley Cooper, Kobe Bryant, Shia LeBeauf, Cameron Diaz, Samuel L., Michael Phelps, Larry King, Seth Rogan, Heidi Klum, Shaq, Tyson, Quentin T, John McCain, Jennifer Anniston, Drew Carey, Steve Carrell, Jim Carrey, Eva Mendes, Reese Witherspoon, all the Twilight stars, John Travolta.....these are all off the top of my head. There are many big stars that have been on the show that I simply can't recall based on my memory.

    And his musical guests are always outstanding.
  • Angel
    Don't know. Watching him for the first tonight on his last show.....
  • charliehustle14
    Here's a list of guests that have been on with Conan in his 7 months.

    Anyone who thinks he didn't get the biggest stars on needs to grab the closest object in reach and insert it forcefully in their rectum.
  • killdeer
    ZombieKiller wrote: Did anyone notice that Leno got the biggest stars on his show. While Conan had guests like Dana Carvey and Norm McDonald a lot.

    actually I had the exact opposite impression...
    as the word of his exit has seems as though the "A" list of Hollywood comedy and movie stars have made sure to show up on Conan's show over these last few weeks.

    Of course, I guess in your eyes, that cannot compare to the site of Emeril Lagasse tooling around that little track in an electric car on Jay's that is quality programming!
  • ts1227
    The "has been" host (Leno), get the "has been" stars (older), which appeals more to the "has been" (middle aged to old) generation (and I don't mean it in a bad way at all, I simply used has been to match up with the other examples) who outnumbers everyone else due to the baby boom, AKA the money and ratings are with them.

    Conan got the relevant ones, but that isn't going to draw the ratings based on today's overall demographics.
  • sherm03
    I talked with a friend of mine today and we discussed how Leno is most known for two comedy bits on his show: Headlines and Jay Walking.

    Let's look at this for a second...

    Headlines: People from around the country send in funny headlines to Jay Leno...the staff sifts through them, and he reads the funniest ones on air. So the "joke" in this bit come from the screwed up headlines themselves. They don't come from Leno. Hell he doesn't even find them! People around the country send them to he has absolutely no input in this bit whatsoever!

    Jay Walking: Here's a brilliant idea. Let's find dumbass people on the streets of Burbank and ask them questions about the world or show them a picture of a well known public figure and watch as they don't get it right. Now I know it takes some really good writing and comedic timing to come up with questions like, Who is the Vice President of the US? or Who is this a picture of?...and most of the people are probably saying dumb shit anyways just to get on TV. So Leno actually comes up with the questions...but again, the "joke" comes from the other people messing up the answers. Another whiff for Leno.

    So how do people find Leno funny? In his two biggest bits...he doesn't even come up with the punchlines.

    Leno sucks.
  • wkfan
    sherm03 wrote: So how do people find Leno funny? In his two biggest bits...he doesn't even come up with the punchlines.

    Leno sucks.
    Leno's monologue is infinitely funnier than O'Brien's. you think either of them write anything they say??

    Face it......Conan O'Brien is just annoyingly unfunny.