How often do you eat fast food?
gorocks99All the fast food threads have me thinking, how often do you eat fast food?
About 6 months ago I would've said twice a week, but now I'm trying to limit it to once or twice a month. -
Laley23once or twice a week. Sometimes more, but that usually is followed by a week where I try not to eat it at all.
derek bomardoes subway count?
Id say yes. Id go fast food for this type of poll as anything that isnt a true restaurant. Basically anything you can get at lunch and take back to the office.derek bomar wrote: does subway count? -
gorocks99Sure, why not.
Swamp FoxSince I've been consciously attempting to watch my weight and lower my blood pressure, I have pretty much avoided fast food. It works as long as I don't cave to my cravings. I cave once or twice a month!
derek bomarwell if subway counts than probably 4-5 times a week (i get subway twice, and im usually good for a wendys run once during the week) on the weekends I'd say one or two late night dollar menus will be visited.
Con_AlmaNot very often. I can't remember the last time.
McFly1955In college it was several times a week...
Now that I'm married and have my own house, 1-2 times per month, usually Subway, Burger King, or Wendy's. -
Fab1bProbably once to twice a week, but most weeks more like once. A year ago my girl and I started limiting our eating out especially fast food!! Saves a ton and feel a ton better too!
Devils AdvocateI'm pretty fat and slow...... Does it qualify as fast if I can catch it?
fan_from_texasProbably once a week.
Fab4RunnerWhen I first moved where I am now it was about 1-2 times/month. Lately I've been eating it more and I need to cut back again.
Upper90Not nearly as much as I used to, maybe twice a month now.
And there's no real reason/effort behind cutting back, I just have so much damn food. My Grandmother popped up like twice in December, and came with so much stuff, so my freezer is pretty loaded. Plus, I've been staying with my Dad during some days of the week, and I just cook there.
I'm trynna go get some McD's fries today at some point for sure.