
New River Rafting: Best Guides/Service?

  • OneBuckeye
    Just wondering which company was the best to use on the new river, or which ones to stay away from. I am looking to go in the spring and have not been WW rafting on the new river before. Will be going with a few other guys. Not a family trip. I would appricieate any info you can provide.
  • zhon44622
    I always use ACE (, but I usually try to do the Gauley River instead of the New River, just have to go the right weekends to do it.
  • Glory Days
    Went down the upper and lower Gauley River at the end of last summer. We used River Expeditions

    We had an awesome guide who once he recognized we were all basically atheletic and coordinated, let us do some things he wouldnt do with an inexperienced group. which we witnessed another group in our convoy who realized they were in way over their head about 30 minutes into the trip and had to go down the river avoiding any challenging rapids.
  • Blitzkrieg
    I strongly recommend rivermen. They have hands down the best qualified guides. The meals and grounds are better also. They might be a bit more expensive, but worth it.