
Caption This Photo

  • sjmvsfscs08
  • darbypitcher22
    You bet your ass this is our secret weapon...
  • sjmvsfscs08
    "You may be vondering why ve're not actually in our tanks.......we von't need them."
  • Al Capone
    All seriousness aside, What the hell is that?
  • ptangzoot
    "Even though initial test showed the German AT-AT to be extremely effective in combat zones, European trench warfare showed that its walking system was not stable over rough terrain and the vehicles were prone to massive explosions after a simple tip over...."
  • hasbeen
    ptangzoot wrote: "Even though initial test showed the German AT-AT to be extremely effective in combat zones, European trench warfare showed that its walking system was not stable over rough terrain and the vehicles were prone to massive explosions after a simple tip over...."
  • Swamp Fox
    "Just ignore it. Maybe it will go away."
  • ohiotiger33
    Not really a caption but a reference none-the-less.

    Hitler to Eva Braun in bed: "And I thought Nazi's smelled bad...**pant**... on the outside!"
  • Mr. 300
    Precursor to Star Wars
  • BRF
    Guy on far right:

    "Why would someone start a thread on a picture like this?"

    Sieg Heil
  • ptangzoot
    pnhasbeen wrote:
    ptangzoot wrote: "Even though initial test showed the German AT-AT to be extremely effective in combat zones, European trench warfare showed that its walking system was not stable over rough terrain and the vehicles were prone to massive explosions after a simple tip over...."
    Allright jackass you post a quote....
  • berry
    "The other 2 crashed on takeoff."