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darbypitcher22You bet your ass this is our secret weapon...
sjmvsfscs08"You may be vondering why ve're not actually in our tanks.......we von't need them."
Al CaponeAll seriousness aside, What the hell is that?
ptangzoot"Even though initial test showed the German AT-AT to be extremely effective in combat zones, European trench warfare showed that its walking system was not stable over rough terrain and the vehicles were prone to massive explosions after a simple tip over...."
weaksauceptangzoot wrote: "Even though initial test showed the German AT-AT to be extremely effective in combat zones, European trench warfare showed that its walking system was not stable over rough terrain and the vehicles were prone to massive explosions after a simple tip over...." -
Swamp Fox"Just ignore it. Maybe it will go away."
ohiotiger33Not really a caption but a reference none-the-less.
Hitler to Eva Braun in bed: "And I thought Nazi's smelled bad...**pant**... on the outside!" -
Mr. 300Precursor to Star Wars
BRFGuy on far right:
"Why would someone start a thread on a picture like this?"
Sieg Heil -
Allright jackass you post a quote....pnhasbeen wrote:
weaksauceptangzoot wrote: "Even though initial test showed the German AT-AT to be extremely effective in combat zones, European trench warfare showed that its walking system was not stable over rough terrain and the vehicles were prone to massive explosions after a simple tip over...." -
berry"The other 2 crashed on takeoff."