Great Craigslist ad
HereticHurry, people! Those ham(p)ster eggs will hatch any day now!!!!!
THE4RINGZMMMMM a hampster egg omlet with bunny gravy. All for the low low price of a cage.
Hoping they answer my email. -
j_crazythey spoil if not refrigerated, I'm inquiring.
zambrownThat's awesome!
Fab1btoo funny
trackandccrunnerIt's good to see the barter system still lives on today.
derek bomar
v_falconshaha sad thing is, that is totally a legit post!!!!! somebody should email them!
ZWICK 4 PREZMaybe if they were dog eggs. I don't like hampsters. Dogs are better pets.
I was thinking of that site. I hope to hell that guy responds!derek bomar wrote: -
SnotBubblesThere is no way that is a real ad. Trade an egg for a cage? Even if hamster's did lay eggs...that's just too idiotic to be believable.
How do you even find that? I think Scarlet Fever created it... -
O-TrapDear sweet Moses! Someone respond to that ASAP and put the correspondence on here!!!
Scarlet_FeverThe more I think about it did this hamster lay brown eggs?