
Freehuddle Metalheads!

  • Heretic
    I hope Struck by Lightning and Lightning Swords of Death play back-to-back! You can't pass up on that kind of shit! Seriously, that might be a good idea for a FreeHuddle Metalhead gathering kind of thing. I've only heard of a few bands there (and didn't know a couple like Brutal Truth and Voivod still existed), but it still could be a fun-ass time.

    Since I'd like to lose weight and get into shape, I've devising something I call the Dismember Workout Plan. I've noticed that when I listen to Dismember, I'm always tempted to jump up and start moving around. There's a certain insane hateful rage permeating every aspect of their sound that's infectious. So if I obtain about three albums to mix on iTunes and set up some sort of formal workout schedule, Dismember could be my catalyst.
  • Tinkertrain
    Cannibal Corpse you say? I'm there!!!!

    I'll have to dust off the Mayhem shirt I got at the tour last year. It's amazing how damn serious people suddenly take you at a metal show if your wearing a Mayhem shirt.
  • DESCENTdmc
    Heretic wrote: I hope Struck by Lightning and Lightning Swords of Death play back-to-back! You can't pass up on that kind of shit! Seriously, that might be a good idea for a FreeHuddle Metalhead gathering kind of thing. I've only heard of a few bands there (and didn't know a couple like Brutal Truth and Voivod still existed), but it still could be a fun-ass time.

    Since I'd like to lose weight and get into shape, I've devising something I call the Dismember Workout Plan. I've noticed that when I listen to Dismember, I'm always tempted to jump up and start moving around. There's a certain insane hateful rage permeating every aspect of their sound that's infectious. So if I obtain about three albums to mix on iTunes and set up some sort of formal workout schedule, Dismember could be my catalyst.
    struck by lightning is one of the best bands in columbus, check them out. Never heard the other lightning band. I'm stoked for trap them, 3IOB, D.R.I, pelican, and quite a few others. I've heard coalesce is playing which would really make me happy