How To Focus Better?
dtdtimAlright freehuddle, I need help.
For some reason I am unable to maintain focus on ANYTHING lately. I can't read without my thoughts drifting elsewhere in the middle of a paragraph, I struggle to finish tasks at work and I can't do anything at home without wandering away from what I should be doing. I've tried absolute silence (I usually listen to music while working) and it didn't work. I've also tried having the TV on in the background (instead of music) and that was an even bigger fail.
What helps you focus? Do you have any tips that may help me? I have a lot going on personally in my life right now but I usually always do and that's never prevented me from focusing on tasks before. What can I do? -
ZWICK 4 PREZSage says adderall works.
Con_AlmaIt is a learned discipline. There are no immediate, long term tricks just practice and slowly you may see an approach to mastery. Keep at it.
power iSometimes those personal worries can take over your mind and you don't even realize it. Are you sleeping? When I have worries I have a tendency to lay in bed thinking about them and don't sleep well. Then the next day I'm tired and have problems focusing.
CenterBHSFanFirst of all, you need to be getting enough sleep. Even if you think you're getting enough, that might not be the case. Try going to be just 1/2 hr. earlier, and cut back on any caffeine during the day, and especially towards the evening.
CenterBHSFanpower i wrote: Sometimes those personal worries can take over your mind and you don't even realize it. Are you sleeping? When I have worries I have a tendency to lay in bed thinking about them and don't sleep well. Then the next day I'm tired and have problems focusing.
I have those same problems LOL
I can be so sleepy I can't stand it, but as soon as my head hits the pillow, my mind starts racing. -
myron pater boswellFirst step is to see if you can get some prescription medication, as other Huddlers have advised. Second, use some cognitive-behavioral....Ummmmm.....Ummmmm....What was the question?
capninsanoSunflower seeds are the new adderall....for me at least. If I'm tired while driving, I'll throw some seeds in and some how they keep me awake....tired at work and not focusing on what I should be doing..sunflower seeds fixes it.....don't ask....but hey, it's something to try.
sleeperHonestly, you need to bone an unattractive woman. I know it sounds silly, but every time I bone an unattractive woman(which is never), I always seem to be extremely focused on any task I'm doing.
dancinbearGo get a massage....or talk to a shrink.
hilarious lolsleeper wrote: Honestly, you need to bone an unattractive woman. I know it sounds silly, but every time I bone an unattractive woman(which is never), I always seem to be extremely focused on any task I'm doing.
Adderol really does help if you want to go the medication route. Get some peppermints, helps you focus says scientists and scholars -
se-alumI think the big thing is getting enough sleep, and drinking whiskey everyday.
BCSbunkI use Qigong to help concentrate.
Soccerstud01weird question, do you text a lot?
I've noticed that everyone I've enountered that has ADD (that I know of) is a huge texter... constantly stopping what you're doing to focus on sending a text will just make you fidgetty when no one is texting you.. -
TimberWelcome to my world!! LOL
Vigorous excercise may help.... it helps cleanse the mind allowing for better sleep and focused work. It can solve a lot of anxiety issues... If not seek professional help. -
Dude, this is no time for slumpbustin'. We have a man in pain here. Caffeine, alcohol, lack of sleep, worry, can all cause a loss of attention. Exercise can help.dancinbear wrote: Go get a massage....or talk to a shrink. -
NNNI'll tell you how I fixed my lack of focus.
Oh hey, look at the kitty! -
osudarby08Id say try adderall if you have a stressful work project or something like that you need to get done. But some people on here will call me a terrible person for suggesting this.
Yeah, with a ridiculous answer like that you would almost think that I'm a chick...Squirmydog wrote:
Dude, this is no time for slumpbustin'. We have a man in pain here. Caffeine, alcohol, lack of sleep, worry, can all cause a loss of attention. Exercise can help.dancinbear wrote: Go get a massage....or talk to a shrink.