
Where should Casino in C-bus be located?

  • Tiernan
    How is it that last Nov's election resulted with everyone believing the proposed C-bus Casino would be located in the Arena District...but a bunch of Nancys raise such a stink the developer starts looking for another location. Now they are thinking about WESTLAND MALL are you F'n kidding me!?!? The Arena District is the place to have this thing or it will end up being like one of those sorry depressing indian reservation casinos you see out west. What say you?
  • visionquest
    I think things down in the Arena District are getting too caustic. Parking is horrible down there. They need to get it away from everything.
  • derek bomar
    Let me first say that I would love to have a casino within a short drive. I like to play cards.

    That said, putting it in Westland Mall, or the Hilltop, or anywhere on the West Side (or East Side for that matter) is retarded. It's not going to prop up the area, it's going to make it worse. The only way the Casino is successful is if it is an option for people to do when they come to an area, not if it's the reason they come to the area. And who the fuck is coming to the Hilltop?

    If they put it in the Arena District I think I can live with it. But that said, I'd rather have it in the Brewery District. They should have put it in City Center.
  • ESP13
    Tiernan wrote: How is it that last Nov's election resulted with everyone believing the proposed C-bus Casino would be located in the Arena District...but a bunch of Nancys raise such a stink the developer starts looking for another location. Now they are thinking about WESTLAND MALL are you F'n kidding me!?!? The Arena District is the place to have this thing or it will end up being like one of those sorry depressing indian reservation casinos you see out west. What say you?
    If I understood the ballot proposal (and maybe I didn't) we voted to put four casinos in four specific spots in or near four specific cities. I don't think the location can be changed very easily.
  • Little Danny
    City Center would be my #1 choice. However, one of my co-workers put me onto the idea of Beulah Park. It would be easy to get to and there is plenty of land available to expand and for parking. Not to mention you would have the horsetrack there for additional entertainment.

    IMO, traffic would be too congested on the West Side. Also, people always say casino's draw in the bad element--- well, in this case it would be bringing the casino to the bad element.
  • se-alum
    The Arena District like I voted.
  • Prescott
    The perfect location for the casino is the Brice Rd. and I-70 area. Consumers Square has been leveled and the former home of Sam's Club will be empty when J.C.Penney finishes their furniture liquidation sale.The casino would be visible from I-70 east and west and it would be easy to get to and easy to leave.
  • queencitybuckeye
    I thought the constitutional amendment that was passed specified the location, so another amendment would need to be passed to put it somewhere else? If so, the location is highly unlikely to be changed.
  • Emmett Brown
    The reason they are looking for another location is because almost everyone in the area of the arena district voted no on the ballot. How can you have people in Cleveland deciding if you put a casino a few miles from your house.
  • krambman
    In most other states with casinos they put them in poor income areas officially to "boost the local economy" and unofficially because poor people tend to gamble more. I went to school in Elgin, IL, a suburb of Chicago, which had a riverboat casino. The city of Elgin wasn't very nice, but the nicest and safest part of town was near the casino. The best restaurants, nicest apartments, and most expensive condos were all around the casino. The casino brought money to the town and that area was renovated because of it (in much the same way that the part of town known as the Arena District was once run down but has now been renovated because of the arena being built there. I live on the Hilltop and while I don't want the casino in Columbus at all (I'd prefer it be out in the country somewhere) we could certainly use it a lot more than the Arena District could. And honestly, it would be far more of an eyesore in the Arena District than on the Hilltop. Nothing could look worse than what is left of Westland Mall. I'm actually not sure legally how they could build it anywhere but the Arena District though. The locations of the casinos was in the ballot issue. Unless we have another state-wide ballot issue to change the location, I'm not sure how they can legally build it anywhere else. The biggest issue is that something like 80% of Franklin County voters voted against the casino, so no one in Columbus really wants the thing to be built here anyway.
  • Fred Flintstone
    I don't care where they put it, just build it already. Not that I would be there all the time but it is another entertainment option.
  • cbus4life
    Arena District or Brewery District, assuming parking can somehow be improved. However, as i live just a few blocks from those places, i'll be set regardless.
  • se-alum
    The reason they are looking for another location is because almost everyone in the area of the arena district voted no on the ballot. How can you have people in Cleveland deciding if you put a casino a few miles from your house.
    The same way people in Cleveland helped decide whether I let people smoke in MY bar.
  • power i
    I'm not a huge gambler, but there is no way I'm going to the west side to gamble at night. The crime rate will increase because of the casino when you put it somewhere there is already a lot of crime. Westland Mall isn't there anymore for a reason.
  • Tiernan
    Any decent casino I've ever been in always has an adjacent FREE parking garage attached. Now it might require a validation that you actually went inside and gambled but any FREE parking would be most welcome to the Arena District. A casino itself will not spur additional development to an area. They want the restaurants, bars, entertainment...etc. INSIDE THE CASINO! So building it out on the Hilltop will do nothing except create another big ass building ala City Centre nobody will go to.
  • baseballstud24
    power i wrote: I'm not a huge gambler, but there is no way I'm going to the west side to gamble at night. The crime rate will increase because of the casino when you put it somewhere there is already a lot of crime. Westland Mall isn't there anymore for a reason.

    I think the crime rate will increase anywehre you put a casino, period. This is why there is such a fuss in the Arena District. I agree with those who said the City Center location would have been perfect!
  • derek bomar
    baseballstud24 wrote:
    power i wrote: I'm not a huge gambler, but there is no way I'm going to the west side to gamble at night. The crime rate will increase because of the casino when you put it somewhere there is already a lot of crime. Westland Mall isn't there anymore for a reason.

    I think the crime rate will increase anywehre you put a casino, period. This is why there is such a fuss in the Arena District. I agree with those who said the City Center location would have been perfect!
    I don't think that's fair to say unless you can cite a source
  • se-alum
    Yea, I've never bought into the whole "casinos=crime" argument. I think it's just a crutch for the anti-casino crowd.
  • Tiernan
    The Las Vegas Strip has a lower crime rate than the International Drive tourist area near Disney World. Why do numnuts like baseballstud thing casinos breed crime?
  • queencitybuckeye
    se-alum wrote: Yea, I've never bought into the whole "casinos=crime" argument. I think it's just a crutch for the anti-casino crowd.
    If you place a casino where a vacant property is now, you'll have more crime. Of course, if you put anything at all there, you'll have more crime. It's a somewhat disingenuous argument.
  • Buckeye2B
    Aaahh- They put a few casinos here in Detroit and the crime around them didn't increase. I actually think the area got better because it improved the downtown surroundings and there were reputable people and security around. Just a thought, but if I was still in Columbus, I would want to see it downtown as well, but you can't do it there without a parking garage period. Downtown parking in Columbus has sucked for more years than many of you have been alive.
  • justcompete
    First, I love gambling in casino's. Please read the content of what will be inside the buildings. There are going to be 100% machines in them. No cards, no craps, no rulette(sp). Video poker and slot machines are not my idea of fun. I will not be going anyway. Lets build it right next door to Coleman's house. He spent our money buying City Center which is being torn down to make a park (oh yea, the underground parking garage is going to stay). I think we all know where the crime is going to increase.
  • End of Line
    I don't want it anywhere near the Westland Mall.
  • Tiernan
    justcompete wrote: First, I love gambling in casino's. Please read the content of what will be inside the buildings. There are going to be 100% machines in them. No cards, no craps, no rulette(sp). Video poker and slot machines are not my idea of fun...
    Where did you get this info? I had not seen that in any of the pre-election hype. If that is true I'm with you, video gambling is for pussys.
  • LJ
    Not the arena district. We need another entertainment district, not just putting all our eggs in one basket.