Some people just don't learn
Someone put this moron in jail so he doesn't kill anyone else. -
Fab1bNo sympathy from me!
j_crazyIf he was in jail (where he belongs) this doesn't happen.
Upper90Wow, I actually didn't know that he WASN'T in jail. I lost track of this case, to be honest.
stroupsIs this the same guy who shot his limo driver in the head?
fixed.stroups wrote: Is this the same dumbfuck who shot his limo driver in the head?
Yes. -
stroupsWow, I just looked him up
On April 27, 2009 he had to get tasered in a New York city apartment by police officers while he was suicidal and viloent while intoxicated.
On May 24, 2009 he got into a bar fight in Raleigh N.C. -
zambrownI have to agree with the original poster. Let's just take him out of the population - he obviously can't handle life outside. Good God.
rookie_j70curb stomp
Upper90I feel like if I was going up for re-trial on murder charges, I'd probably be looking to lay low. Hang out. Stay out of trouble.
I know, I know. That's a crazy thought. -
HereticWilliams is a weird guy. Wasn't he, back in his playing days, considered to be one of those fun, but kinda eccentric, sort of players? And then just sort of really went nutso as time went on? That's the sort of career path I can easily see Delonte West being on, considering his bipolar nature and the way things were going before/early this season.