
Super Nintendo vs. Sega Genesis

  • mallymal614
    Forget Playstation 3 vs. XBox 360!

    This is the battle of the old school game consoles. Which one you rolling it? Super Nintendo may have been a little better but I would play Sonic the Hedgehog over Super Mario World any day :).
  • hasbeen
    I'm with ya on this one. Sonic was AWESOME.
  • j_crazy
    College Football's National Championship on Sega = GOAT
  • mallymal614
    Don't forget Bill Walsh college football!
  • McFly1955
    That's weird, I had a "Sonic vs. Mario" ad on my page when reading this thread.

    I owned both, and while both were freakin awesome, I have to give the edge to the Genesis.

    The games below are the ones I spent a lot of time with (I realize some may have been available on both systems, but I'm just listing them where I played them).

    All of the Sonic's
    Toejam and Earl
    Altered Beast
    NHLPA Hockey

    Super Mario World (probably one of my top couple favorite games of all time)
    Super Mario All Stars
    Mario Kart (bad ass)
    and even though it sucked, we played American Gladiators a lot
  • gorocks99
  • justincredible
    SNES, but the Genesis is right behind it. It is almost a tossup.
  • Fab4Runner
    I prefer SNES but we had both growing up and I loved each of them.
  • Manhattan Buckeye
    SNES was good for Mario Kart (my 7 year old [at the time] cousin was amazing at that game), but overall Genesis was the best. I think I wasted half of my college years playing NHL 1994, amazing how many dorm and fraternity tournaments we had with that game.
  • Rotinaj
    Rise from your grave!!!!!
  • End of Line
    Genesis. I loved Sonic as a kid.
  • GeneralsIcer89
    SNES. Genesis never had the RPGs to compare to Mario RPG, Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 2 (4) and 3 (6), Secret of Mana, etc. Genesis never had Zelda, nor did it have the main Mega Man titles (I think it got one that was an offshoot). Sonic and Vectorman were fun, but they didn't compare with the RPGs for me.
  • the_hammer
    How has Altered Beast not been mention yet for the genesis? Even with altered beast, I have to give it to SNES
  • trackandccrunner
    Icer you said what I was going to the PRGs on the SNES were amazing. SNES was the best growing up although the Genesis wasn't too far behind.
  • Rotinaj
    the_hammer wrote: How has Altered Beast not been mention yet for the genesis? Even with altered beast, I have to give it to SNES
    Mcfly mentioned altered beast and i quoted what the guy says in the beginning. RISEEEE FROM YOUR GRAVEEEEEEEEE....I never laughed harder in my life than when me and a friend got to the lvl where you turned into a bear and could do the bubble thing with your mouth and could bend over and it looked like you were givin a Beej to the other bear...Priceless!!
    EDIT-This is what im talking about
  • hoops23
    I liked both, but liked the Genesis a little more..

    Sonic was the shit.
  • tcarrier32
    this argument begins and ends with the Sega Channel. game over.
  • atomica600
    I had a SNES. Loved it. Zombies Ate My Neighbors, Super Marios World/Kart, Clayfighters, Wolfenstein, Star Fox, etc.

    I actually saved my money up to buy a Genesis, but when I got to the store to buy it, I spent my money on a copy of Mortal Kombat II, and proceeded to waste many hours on that instead.
  • GOONx19
    gorocks99 wrote:
    ...was the ish.
  • Glory Days
    Toejam and Earl! i played that game a million times when i was younger, but never owned it and was never able to beat it. it is the one dark spot in my videogame career.
  • Glory Days
    i would say this game was one of the breakthroughs in videogames, atleast for me.

  • GOONx19
    Glory Days just put up the GOAT. Me and friend played that game for hours on end. My favorite game ever fo' sho. Leonardo was my boy.
  • King Curtis
    I just purchased a Sega last night off Ebay with 10 games and got a pretty good deal I thought.

    All the games I get with it

    Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition
    NBA Showdown 94
    John Madden Football
    Bill Walsh College Football
    Bill Walsh College Football '95
    College Football USA '96
    MLBPA Baseball : EA Sports
    NFL Quarterback Club
    Joe Montana Football
    Joe Montana Football '94
  • Glory Days
    here is another one i am sure a bunch of people spent a lot of time playing.

  • Rotinaj
    It wasnt even fair to play with the kings in that game.