Please Pray for my Dad
cats gone wildI just got back from the hospital,been there since 9 pm. My dad got called by the hospital for blood tests he got done earlier and was told to rush to the hospital. I was there until 1 am and with all the tests theyve done, they said he's got gall bladder disease and they arent ruling out pancreas or liver problems which would be bad news. And they found out durin his tests he has a irregular heart beat. So if you remember, say a little prayer tonight or in the morning for him. Thanks
I know Im not the favorite poster on here, but I would really appreciate it for your prayers. Thanks -
hang_loosePrayers for your father "cats gone wild".
Sincerely, hang_loose! -
UA5straightin2008you got it
4cards... sorry to hear about your Dad, I'll keep him in my prayers.
Scarlet_BuckeyeCats.....will keep your dad and family in my prayers. Hang in there.
pepperpotPrayers from Columbiana County. Keep us updated on your Dad.
Fab1bMy thoughts go out
bamagirlCan do. Hope everything works out.
zambrownCats, you certainly have my prayers for the best possible outcome,
j_crazybest of luck to your dad.
Best of luck to your family. -
cats gone wildJust an update, and thanks to everyone who said a prayer or had thoughts.
Ive been at the hospital alot of the day, without much sleep. My dad has to stay at least one more night possibly more. They are trying to calm his heart down and get it in rythem. After that, I guess they are going to make him have gall bladder surgery. They told us today they believe a gall stone was in the path of the liver and that pushed his #'s high, but the stone has passed, and his liver and pancreas shoud be fine, thank God for that. Of course he's not happy, he hasnt ate, and has given 20+ samples of blood. Just please keep him in your prayers still, thanks -
Mr. 300The prayers you receive will definately lift you and your dad up through this. Consider it done from here.
bcubedPrayers for comfort and a speedy recovery!
mtrulzPrayers and thoughts from your favorite freshman.
hang_looseThanks for the update.
HuskersYour Dad is in my thoughts & prayers.
Swamp FoxPrayers from my wife and I.
darbypitcher22prayers from Greenville