

  • NWIndianNation01
    Not sure if anyone saw it yet or not, but there is a thread over on paypay that has most of the non-payers checking in on it...seems to me that this would be a good place to find people to advertise to....

    (There is actually a post in there with f r e e h u d d l e . c o m in it and isn't deleted.

    I really wonder if anyone is moderating that forum.
  • dwccrew
    ^^^They are. That's how I was banned. By posting information about

    Nazi's over there don't approve of this site or freedom of speech or America or Nick Mangold or Unicorns....well, maybe unicorns
  • ss7
    I got banned for advertising freehuddle too.....and well, some other stuff that I said...
  • dwccrew
    I was banned purely for advertising, unless they came over here and saw what I was posting about them, which if that is the case, still shouldn't be a bannable offense.
  • OneBuckeye
    I thought that is why you made the non payer check in thread. So you could PM all the non payers.
  • NWIndianNation01
    I personally do not have the time...but was hoping that I could get some help from the rest of you that still have valid accounts.
  • namod65
    Lol that is my post with the f r e e h u d d l e in it. It's hiding down there at the bottom of the page. But I still don't know how they haven't found it yet lol. Someone even quoted it and that post was deleted but not mine.
  • tigerballonline
    Maybe we could pool some money and buy an advertisement slot on JJ. I mean they are so desperate for money. I could imagine their attitude if some emialed them asking how much to advertise and then tell them we wanted to advertise
  • dwccrew
    I was thinking the same thing tigerballonline. LOL, not-so-great minds think alike. :)
  • NWIndianNation01
    Justin should seriously try that!
  • TBone14
    tigerballonline wrote: Maybe we could pool some money and buy an advertisement slot on JJ. I mean they are so desperate for money. I could imagine their attitude if some emialed them asking how much to advertise and then tell them we wanted to advertise
    I would be willing to chip in...say about 12 dollars.
  • WebFire
    I had a post with f r e e h u d d l e . c o m and even edited a quote and didn't get banned. You must have ot have multiple offenses or be on their shit list.
  • Chesapeake
    WebFire wrote: I had a post with f r e e h u d d l e . c o m and even edited a quote and didn't get banned. You must have ot have multiple offenses or be on their shit list.
    They just didn't find it yet, trust me!
  • se-alum
    Nazi's over there don't approve of this site or freedom of speech or America or Nick Mangold or Unicorns....well, maybe unicorns
    Pretty sure they approve of rainbows!
  • vdubb96
    I've been posting for a few days now, and still havne't been banned