
Are you a cat or dog person?

  • Apple
    I like them both and currently have a cat. Would love to get a dog, but don't have a fenced in yard and it wouldn't be fair for a dog not to be able to get out and run around.
  • Be Nice
    I like dogs. Cat's are for Chineese Restaurants.
  • justincredible
    Dogs by far.

    I don't mind cats for the most part but they can't compare to dogs.
  • Soda Popinski
  • HitsRus
    I've always been a dog person and I used to hate cats, but I've grown to appreciate them. Iggypride pretty much nailed it. Cats are much more low maintainance.

    I have both...and I like them both for different reasons.
  • Swamp Fox
    I started out a dog person but when we got married we got a cat named Cynthia and it started to even out a bit. we've always had animals around and I still probably favor dogs over cats, but we have a wonderful orange tabby cat named Huckleberry who thinks I love her more than the two dogs, and I don't want her upset so I'll say that both animals have unique characteristics that make them both special. (Although my Boxer Cooper is pretty special).