
Ear wax. What's the best way to clean it out?

  • GoChiefs
    What happens stick the hollow 'ear candle' in your ear..then you light it. When it's creates a vacuum inside the hollow candle which sucks out the ear wax.
  • Tacklingdummy
    Try a shootgun aimed just under the ear in ? Aim in an upward position.
  • behindthelense
    Pressure washer
  • vdubb96
    I've done the ear candle, it's wicked that crap that comes out of your ears!!!
  • RedRider1
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: Just clean your ears at night with a q-tip and some rubbing alcohol and you won't have this problem. The rubbing alcohol draws wax out to your outer ear. Hygiene people, hygiene.

    dry q-tips are worthless.
  • v_falcons
    I know this chic that wanted to make her own ear wax candle.. she actually ended up putting hot wax into her ear, and then had to go to the doctor.. I thought wouldnt it had been soo much easier to buy them from the local Foreign chic that sells that stuff!

    on a side note : those ear candles are pretty cool, disgusting too..
  • CenterBHSFan
    Well, if Jessica Simpson believes in it, it must work!

  • 2quik4u
  • GoChiefs
    I can assure you..when done does most certainly work.
  • september63
    GoChiefs wrote: I can assure you..when done does most certainly work.

    These are FreeHuddle people............Hardly anything gets done "correctly".
  • Heretic
    Fire cures everything.
  • vdubb96
    Believe me ear candling does work. I've done it and a few small creatures came out of my head!!!!! :)
  • Chesapeake
    Ever been driving down the road after a shower and all of a sudden feel your ear poop?
  • xnds1fan
    Chesapeake wrote: Ever been driving down the road after a shower and all of a sudden feel your ear poop?
  • BRF
    No, I can't say that I have.

    Ya know, I think I am going to trying this candling thing......and I know JUST where to get it.

    I think I will try it out first on one of my kids and see for myself what "creatures" come out!
  • Go_Fast_Sports
    I dip a Q-tip in peroxide and it clears it right up.

    I've also seen the air pressure method... where the doc sticks a small tube in your ear, and blows all the wax out. Not sure exactly what the procedure s called but it cleans out more than you think is in there. My brother has it done here and there and said a handful of wax came out.
  • said_aouita
  • Al Capone
    I use the old family secret.

    A paper clip.
  • Shane Falco
    Why not just stick a candle wick in your ear and light it?

    Seems logical... wax in the ear + wick + fire = clean ear!
  • Scarlet_Buckeye
    I think this video gives a pretty good demonstration of a good technique!!!!!
  • BRF
    Scarlet_Buckeye wrote: I think this video gives a pretty good demonstration of a good technique!!!!!
    I was mesmerized by that video.

    I think the doctor pulled out about 5 or 6 baby robins.
  • NNN
    My friend's wife worked at a call center and ended up with an obstruction and infection in one ear. I got to be around when she attempted to treat it and irrigate it.

    Let's just say that she finally succeeded in removing something roughly the size of a pea, complete with green and black streaks through it.
  • CenterBHSFan
    Al Capone wrote: I use the old family secret.

    A paper clip.

    I've seen old men use car keys before haha
  • Gardens35
    Scarlet_Buckeye wrote: I think this video gives a pretty good demonstration of a good technique!!!!!
    Don't believe that I've ever seen anything quite like that.....
  • Scarlet_Buckeye
    Can you imagine how good that must have felt when that doc took all that stuff out on the video. I'll bet the hearing difference in the person was incredible.