
Have you ever farted in public and blamed it on someone else?

  • Know it all
    My sister did it today while standing in line at the movies and oh my God was it loud and smelled like cabbage. She then blamed it on to me. That witch.
  • LJ
    I always blame it on my gf
  • rugbywrestler
    9th grade gym class, while we were stretching....amazing how you change over four years. When I was a senior I wouldve laughed my ass off for farting
  • j_crazy
    One of the best perks of having a baby. When she starts talking that might change.
  • xnds1fan
    Hell yeah I have.
  • ytownfootball
    A true art form that I have mastered to perfection.
  • Jimmie Copas
    I usually blame the dog
  • xnds1fan
    I like crop dusting better.
  • Fab1b
    Always do it, crop dust too. The best is during weigh ins at a wrestling tourn. rip one right as the wrestler stands on the scale and blame that wrestler and watch his team laugh their asses off. I like to crop dust the coaches in the corners. Rip one while a match is in progress then pass by the coaches chairs. That usually detracts them from any call I may miss LMAO!! :)
  • Mr. 300
    Drive-bys in the bowling alley are the best. Walk down about three pair, rip one, then walk away. Watching the 10 people on that pair look at each other is priceless, let alone the finger pointing and verbal assaults they throw at each other.
  • wes_mantooth
    Yeah, I blame it on my kid.

    I also love to let them while we are in the car and then apply the window lock.....usually pisses him off!!
  • bcubed
    As often as I can!
  • BlueDevil11
    wes_mantooth wrote: I also love to let them while we are in the car and then apply the window lock.....usually pisses him off!!
    My dad does the same thing, except he will turn the heat on and cook them. They smell terrible.
  • Little Danny
    If I farted while on Freehuddle and blamed it on the OP is it the same thing?
  • mtrulz
    I let a 22 second long fart (literally), and I blamed it on a retarded kid in my gym class.

    Note: My gym class is all boys, otherwise, I wouldn't have done it.