
'Twas the Night before Christmas...

  • ytownfootball
    and all through the FREE HUDDLE....
  • Fab1b
    Not a troll was stirring, well except for Sage and Mtrulz
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Is Lebron really well-hung? That's the only thing in which SQ_crazies really cares....
  • Clayton_Bigsby
    Then Uncle Clayton's old ass tripped and fell down the stairs....[ouch]
  • BRF
    The stockings were hung
    By the chimney with care
    In hopes that a JJ gift certificate
    Soon would be there!
  • End of Line
    BRF wrote: The stockings were hung
    By the chimney with care
    In hopes that a JJ gift certificate
    Soon would be there!
  • berry
    When outside their window there arose such a clatter
    That Society sprang from Mirg to see what was the matter.
  • Mr. 300
    When what should appear, but a Mantooth, and 8 plump ladydeers.
  • berry
    On Rudolph, on Donner, on Comet, on Blitzen
    In FreeHuddle style, on Cupid and Shitson