
Steroids.. how bad are they really?

  • rydawg5
    Rank #142 in the cause of emergency room visits.

    Known to cause 3 deaths per year.

    So if taken with doctor supervision.. how "unamerican" is it really for people in sports to take them?
  • pmoney25
    Well if you want your nuts to disappear, go ahead and take them.....or get married...Wakka Wakka Wakka
    r they anything like steraroids?
  • rydawg5
    I'm not planning on taking them, just watching the documentary "Bigger, Faster, Stronger"
  • sleeper
    I've always said they should be legalized and then let the market decide if they should be accepted in society.
  • mtrulz
    As long as you don't abuse them, you're cool.
  • iclfan2
    I've heard if you take the right supplements along side of them, for your liver and to keep your testosterone in check, then you would be ok. Of course I don't know if that is true.
  • Glory Days
    ZWICK 4 PREZ wrote: r they anything like steraroids?
    You'd better ask the players in the MiLB and see what they think.
  • NNN
    rydawg5 wrote: Rank #142 in the cause of emergency room visits.

    Known to cause 3 deaths per year.

    So if taken with doctor supervision.. how "unamerican" is it really for people in sports to take them?
    This is like the dumbasses that back legalization of pot on the basis of "how many people overdose on pot?" Well, none overdose on tobacco (which is the next closest thing) either and there are a hell of a lot more people that smoke tobacco than reefer.

    Tampering with hormones is an easy way to develop a hell of a lot more problems. Tampering with testosterone in the insane amounts that anabolic compounds do is a bad idea. It's funny...the first birth control pills contained five times as much estrogen as now and everyone raises an eyebrow when they hear that. But a single dose of an anabolic compound contains anywhere from 10-1000 times the weekly natural dosage and we're supposed to seriously consider legalizing and opening up the marketplace to them? You must be insane.
  • Go_Fast_Sports
    rydawg5 wrote: Rank #142 in the cause of emergency room visits.

    Known to cause 3 deaths per year.
    I can count 3 in WWE or related sports programs who died this past year alone. Where did you find those statistics?
  • Sonofanump
    I don't know, go ask Lyle Alzado how they work.
  • I Wear Pants
    Why can't we just base athletic competitions on who worked the hardest and smartest along with who has natural talent instead of who can buy the most pharmaceutical research?
  • eersandbeers
    NNN wrote:
    This is like the dumbasses that back legalization of pot on the basis of "how many people overdose on pot?" Well, none overdose on tobacco (which is the next closest thing) either and there are a hell of a lot more people that smoke tobacco than reefer.

    Tampering with hormones is an easy way to develop a hell of a lot more problems. Tampering with testosterone in the insane amounts that anabolic compounds do is a bad idea. It's funny...the first birth control pills contained five times as much estrogen as now and everyone raises an eyebrow when they hear that. But a single dose of an anabolic compound contains anywhere from 10-1000 times the weekly natural dosage and we're supposed to seriously consider legalizing and opening up the marketplace to them? You must be insane.

    Shouldn't it be my choice what I do to my body? If I want to harm myself by putting unhealthy drugs into my system why do you care?

    And pot is one of the least harmful drugs out there.

    I believe, taken in the correct cycles, steroids can be used in a relatively safe manner. I'm sure you still have certain side effects, like shrinking testicles, but what do you need them for anyways?
  • Sowing Season
    Don't evan get me started. Sports in generel would be so much better if they would just be legalalized.
  • eersandbeers
    Sowing Season wrote: Don't evan get me started. Sports in generel would be so much better if they would just be legalalized.

    One of the most exciting events in sports history happened when two juicers were chasing the home run record. All possible because of steroids.
  • Sonofanump
    eersandbeers wrote:Shouldn't it be my choice what I do to my body? If I want to harm myself by putting unhealthy drugs into my system why do you care?
    So in order for a fair playing field, all would be required to juice.
    I think that goes against the meaning of sport.
  • tcarrier32
    eersandbeers wrote:
    NNN wrote:
    This is like the dumbasses that back legalization of pot on the basis of "how many people overdose on pot?" Well, none overdose on tobacco (which is the next closest thing) either and there are a hell of a lot more people that smoke tobacco than reefer.

    Tampering with hormones is an easy way to develop a hell of a lot more problems. Tampering with testosterone in the insane amounts that anabolic compounds do is a bad idea. It's funny...the first birth control pills contained five times as much estrogen as now and everyone raises an eyebrow when they hear that. But a single dose of an anabolic compound contains anywhere from 10-1000 times the weekly natural dosage and we're supposed to seriously consider legalizing and opening up the marketplace to them? You must be insane.

    Shouldn't it be my choice what I do to my body? If I want to harm myself by putting unhealthy drugs into my system why do you care?

    And pot is one of the least harmful drugs out there.

    I believe, taken in the correct cycles, steroids can be used in a relatively safe manner. I'm sure you still have certain side effects, like shrinking testicles, but what do you need them for anyways?
    no you should not, it should be for people like NNN to decide because he is the most intelligent man alive. it doesnt matter that pot was made illegal over pressure from textile industries who didnt want to compete with hemp. what matters is that its illegal now and everything illegal is bad. EVERYTHING!

    more reasonably, steroids should be legal because what one person does with their body is their business and no one elses. im sorry if people cannot understand that, but thats the way it should be.
  • Glory Days
    except when i am paying for your medical bills, but we can save that for the politics forum.
  • tcarrier32
    you dont pay for my medical bills. so there is no need to save it.
  • Thunder70
    Not sure if the the 3 WWE wrestler's deaths were actually as a result of steroids...
  • Go_Fast_Sports
    I would think they played a significant part in their early deaths though. They do play a long term role as much as a short term in health.
  • HitsRus
    Sonofanump wrote: I don't know, go ask Lyle Alzado how they work.
    There are serious long term effects.
    It is hard for me to believe that there actually dumbasses arguing that it would make sports better by turning it into a pharm competition.
  • Thunder70
    Alzado died of brain cancer. While steroids may have added it certainly wasn't the sole cause of his death...
  • HitsRus
    eersandbeers wrote:
    Sowing Season wrote: Don't evan get me started. Sports in generel would be so much better if they would just be legalalized.

    One of the most exciting events in sports history happened when two juicers were chasing the home run record. All possible because of steroids.

    Only because it was done surreptiously and no one knew and for that matter it is only suspect. Barry Bonds however, is in disgrace....and even then it is not proven to where they can strip his records.
  • Sonofanump
    ccrunner609 wrote: First off Lyle Alzado did not die from direct use of steroids. Did the roids increase his chances of cancer? Dont know but I have multiple people in my family tha thave used steroids to teh point that they were bodybuilding and winning shows on ESPN.

    He seems to have no problems as he is entering his late 40's now.
    Then go for it. Lyle looked for f'up by the time he got sick, I don't think he had a chance.