
2pac or Soulja Boy?

  • bigdaddy2003
    For some odd reason I have found myself in some pretty stupid arguments on Youtube and I wanted to share the latest one with you guys. I was watching 2pac video and happened to scroll through some of the comments and he said Soulja Boy was a better rapper than 2pac. Why I even engaged in an argument with this guy is beyond me but I thought I would throw a poll out to see how bad it is lol.
  • Trueblue23
    That dude was probably born in 1996. haha
    This doesnt even justify a poll lol. If one person votes for Soulja boy,they need shot.
  • september63
    I voted for NONE!! Any other choices where I might understand the words to the rant? (not song)
  • bigdaddy2003
    september63 wrote: I voted for NONE!! Any other choices where I might understand the words to the rant? (not song)
  • SportsAndLady
  • september63
    Ill just vote on a kick to my shins!!
  • bigdaddy2003
    september63 wrote: Ill just vote on a kick to my shins!!
    You mean you don't understand what I said in the original post or you don't consider rap a form of music so you can't vote?
  • Riddler
    soulder boy.

    i love all vetrans.
  • Riddler
    souler boy.

    god bless are vetrans.

    2pac was a awful restler in wwf.
  • Crew Love
    Riddler wrote: souler boy.

    god bless are vetrans.

    2pac was a awful restler in wwf.
    Well-played, sir, well-played, indeed.
  • pmoney25
    2pac back in his Digital Underground days was better than Soulja Boy will ever be and I don't really like Rap at all.
  • Goldenboy26
    wow, not even close. Soulja Boy is horrible, and probably not even top 50
  • GOONx19
    Looks like mtrulz got three votes.
  • End of Line
    ^^^^^haha. he found a loop hole and voted for em' 3 times.

    But, this poll is a joke. How can anyone think Soulja boy is a better rapper than 2pac?
  • ernest_t_bass
    2Pac, hands down.
  • osudarby08
    IDK what you guys are talking about but I think Soulja Boy=the GOAT. :)
  • iclfan2
    I don't even listen to rap (anymore) but anyone who thinks Solja Boy is even good at rap is a complete moron. Umm superman that ho? Really? It might be a good club song to get ho's dancing, but it isn't a good song and neither is anything else he sings.
  • Clayton_Bigsby
  • End of Line
    What other hit does Soulja boy even have?
  • osudarby08
    for everyone out there who isnt aware of some of the amazing songs soulja boy has produced here you go:

    girl you stank-

    Whats Hannenin'-

    Snap and Roll-

    Booty meat-

    I got me some BAPES-

    as you might tell, these are from his first cd...for whatever reason we listened to some of this in high school. I dont know any of his new songs but I'm sure they are just as sweet!!!
  • KevinJr
    I can't believe you even felt the need to start a topic about this.

    Tupac. Hands down.

    Even all the crap that continues to come out from Tupac is better than anything EVER by Solider Boy.
  • Firad
    Turn my swag on
  • Leonardo
    Tupac by a mile.

    (music video)
  • 2quik4u
    Soulja boy is known for being the downfall of rap.