
How many days you working this week

  • gerb131
    Just curious to see how many days people are working this week.
    I'am helping out at a local company under the table Tues/Weds about 6-8hrs a day helping them clean up the shop before the new year.
  • puffyisback
    6 days
  • justincredible
  • gorocks99
    Four, probably 10 hours/day Mon-Wed, 8 hours Thursday. I get Friday off.
  • dlazz
    Three or four. Too lazy to check the schedule.
  • capninsano
    7 :(
  • SnotBubbles
    Today, Tuesday, Wednesday and 1/2 day on Thursday.
  • GoChiefs
  • cat_lover
    2. I had personal paid days saved up. Hoo-ray me!
  • Be Nice
    Being self employed I'll work 3 days this week.
  • FatHobbit
    4 days this week. Maybe only a half day on Thursday, but I won't know until they decide to surprise us.
  • power i
    Two and a half. :D
  • cbus4life
    Monday and Tuesday!
  • Curly J
    4 days, then I'm off until Jan 4th. I had to burn 4 days of Vacation before Jan 1st, I mean Jan 1th.
  • just_a_swimmer
    3 days then done until Jan. 4th. I am sooooo ready for a vacation.

    My son who works for the NSA in Maryland was suppose to work 3 full days but sent me an e-mail this morning saying "Thanks to Obama I get to come home early" Which means Obama is letting them off at noon tomorrow giving them an extra day and half vacation. My son who is a co-op student gets paid for the time off and today they had a 2 hour delay. A two hour delay for work? I never heard of such a thing. Heck it could be a blizzard and my boss expects me to not even be a minute late. AHHH the life of a government employee.

    OK I am done ranting now.
  • Swamp Fox
    Although our school is currently out for the Christmas-Hannukah Celebrations, I spent about half of yesterday grading semester lab projects and make-up tests and quizzes. Today I hope to finish those and then begin the Senior assignments so I can put them all in the computer by tomorrow. So in answer to the thread question, I am off for the winter break but I will be busy the first three days getting grades ready for the first semester which ends the day we get back to school. And of course, there is the matter of the indoor season....
  • Pick6
  • stationrun
    3 days this week & 3 days next.
  • gport_tennis
    6 this week and 6 next week
  • Mr. 300
    3 1/2 this week. 3 next week.
  • se-alum
    3 1/2 this week. 4 next week.
  • captvern
    0 this week and 0 next week as well
  • queencitybuckeye
    Three this week, need to stop in for a 1/2 day or so sometime next week.
  • McFly1955
    3 for me
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    I will probably have to work at least 40 hours - road trip to Boston and back today and Tuesday, at the office on Wednesday, then work from home Thursday and over the weekend. December and January is my "frantic period", as everyone wants to nail down their health insurance plan details for the first of the year.

    The decent part is that I can work whenever I want and don't have to be "On Duty" at any given time other that 9-1 on Wednesday.