
Did Russel get screwed on Survivor?

  • Scarlet_Buckeye
    Natalie didn't win over the jury. It was a classic case of sheep leading sheep!
  • Puddle Jumper
    I think Eric won it for Natalie.He was dead on with Mick,Mick did nothing as a leader or a player but then he admitted Natalie basically did the same thing.Most of the woman acted like they didn't want Natalie to win before Eric spoke.I think he swayed some of the female votes in Natalies favor.I think before he spoke most of the females were jealous of Natalie atleast that is what I got from Kelly,Monica and Shamoo when they spoke.Natalie didn't do anything but damn she sure did look pretty good.

    Russell should have won.I think many of the people on the show felt he was the best player but just wouldn't let him win because he did such a great job ,It would and has got bigger headlines by having someone other than Russell winning it.Russell was an ass but he also did more for this season than anyone else other than maybe Shamoo,but she was too annoying.

    What was up with Brett when he asked Mick about a date.I thought he and Natalie were going to hook up but then we found out Natalie was married and it seemed Brett was more into Mick.
  • Nashley25
    ^^^I think Brett was trying to convey that Mick did not really make an effort to got to know him on a personal level like Natalie and Russell did b/c if he did he would have known what Brett would have liked to do on a "man date"
  • dlazz
    ^^I think Survivor was sorta cool 8 years ago and now it's just stupid.
  • CharlieHog
    I've only watched 4 or 5 seasons, but this one was the best I'd seen since Season 1. Russell made the show great.
  • pinstriper
    I know Natalie, and know alot of stuff that went on behind the scenes that wasn't shown. During the jury questioning, there were 3 or 4 questions that weren't shown, all of them answered brilliantly by Nat, concerning game play and her strategy to stay low and let Russ take the bullets. The producers made you want to believe it would be a close vote in the fianle, so they didn't show all the questions - they showed Shambo's rant and Eric's speech (which didn't change any votes at all). Mick was looked at as a weak player by all, thus no votes. Nat got 7 votes, 4 were for her (Dave, Brett, Eric, Kelly), 3 were against Russell (Laura, Monica, Jaison).
    Also, throughout the time they were there, Nat and Jaison had as much to do with things as Russell a lot of the time. The 3 of them made decisions together, which we didn't see. Jaison's body failed him, and Nat chose to play behind the scenes and let Russell's arrogance and gloating lose it for him. He wanted the attention, and she let him achieve that...that's why she won. She made up her mind to play that game on day 6 when she saw how Russell voted out strong players in their own tribe and how he really was a good strategist, but also very loud and craving attention.
    On a side note, i loved Russell, I'm glad he won the fan favorite...he WILL be on Survivor 20...and he WILL do great. They gave him 2 weeks off then got him right back to Samoa for the filming last Summer.
    I'm extrememly proud of Nat, she was in the right place at the right time and played a pretty good game...she's extrememly calculating, extremely intelligent, and extremely social - all 3 and a lot of luck led her to a victory. That's how the game goes.
    By the way, she isn't married - she has a boyfriend...and she is a very warm person.
  • NWIndianNation01 turn...

    First, how can you say somebody playing in a game, voted on by players that were ousted, got screwed when he was an idiot, a snake and a jerk to every single person voting? That makes no sense at all. Was Russell the hardest working player to every play the game...YES HE WAS! Was he the best player to play the game...NO...HOW CAN HE BE WHEN HE DIDN'T WIN?!?!?!?!?!? Survivor is a 90% Social, 10% physical game. If he could have done what he did without being a douche then he could have won...but otherwise there is no way he is the best player to ever play! And you will find out on the next season (if he is for sure on it) that he isn't the best because I can almost guarentee he will be out VERY early! Also, people are trying to say he is the smartest player to ever play the game...ummm...I don't think so...if he was, then he would have had all the votes...he kicked himself in the butt all the way through the game. Sure he got to the final 3...but that means NOTHING!

    Here I will admit something...Russell was the best player to ever reach the final 3...sure...but everything he did to make him "so amazing" is what made him lose.

    People are so full of crap when they say that he was screwed! And for those that are saying this and have watched more than one season or consider themselves big time fans of the should almost be ashamed of yourself to think that someone like that could actually win the game....<shaking head>...come on...

    Personally, watching from home...I hated Russell. I thought he was a great player and very smart... but I knew he would never win...not in a million years!

    Finally, for those bashing the show.... get lost!
  • ZeroCool
    this was the second biggest screw job only behind joan rivers beating annie duke on the apprentice. still do not buy kodak products to this day. survivor is still a great show. anyone have a link to the leaked cast list for the upcoming season?
  • noreply66
    Lots of times the better you play the game will bite you in the butt--as it did him.

    I just don't like people that put people down and think they are so much better when their mouth makes them a REAL WILBUR.

    I would not have voted for him
  • noreply66
    Go Natalie
  • ksig489
    Russell was the best Survivor player ever only closely matched by Colby and the girl who had her entire team eliminated and almost stayed alive by herself after the merge.

    Whoever knows Natalie...don't buy that they didnt show her strategizing. They show the relevant material on the show. They only cut out non-relevant material. Do you honestly think they wouldnt show things that were important to the outcome of the game?

    Russell's downfall was that he took too much credit at the jury questioning. he should have pointed out that the other two made decisions as much as he did (whether it was true or not). He also needed to point out that they all lied and backstabbed when they blindsided no one went home with morals in tact.

    Russell is the best Survivor ever, I dont think anyone will ever match what he did throughout the game.
  • pinstriper
    ksig489 wrote: Whoever knows Natalie...don't buy that they didnt show her strategizing. They show the relevant material on the show. They only cut out non-relevant material. Do you honestly think they wouldnt show things that were important to the outcome of the game?
    Yes, they do only show what they want the public to see in order to make the whole game a story. They shape characters, thats why Russell got over 100 confessionals and Brett got maybe 10. They place stuff in a different order on tv than it really happened on the island, and they redo some of the challenges without the players once they are complete in order to get better camera shots on arrows/balls/coconuts/whatever. Each player signs a confidentiality agrement that they cannot discuss anything (write a book or whatever) about the show until 5 yrs after the last season is run.
    Russell was a great player, but there were others also, just as there are every season. I believe he should have won because I think he was awesome, but he did leave the jury pretty bitter, and part of the game is to make sure they will vote for you...Natalie did that, and Mick was invisible throughout
    (not only on tv, but on the island as well).
    One reason Russell wasn't able to connect with jurors was because he was gone over half the time from camp either looking for idols or talking to cameras (they drag them down the beach about a quarter mile in order to do them, then do 20 takes or so).
    It's a tv show before it's anything else, and the producers shape out how they best think ratings will be achieved. They did a great job with Russell, and have people talking about it...which is what their goal was. By the way, this whole season was basically a commercial to get you hooked for All-Stars staring Russell again. Thats one of the reasons why the edit was so pro-Russell. I'm really looking forward to heroes vs. villians.
  • vball10set
    he's still an asshole
  • Scarlet_Buckeye
    vball10set wrote: he's still an asshole
    Maybe an asshole, but greatest Survivor ever to play the game. So many people can't get it into their thick skulls that its a game!!!!
  • beenthere/donethat
    At first, I thought so (Russell getting screwed). The more I thought about it during the reunion portion, he apparently didn't include strategizing on the jury votes in his game plan. Getting to the top 3 is important, but getting the top spot is more important if you want to win.
  • NWIndianNation01
    Scarlet_Buckeye wrote:
    vball10set wrote: he's still an asshole
    Maybe an asshole, but greatest Survivor ever to play the game. So many people can't get it into their thick skulls that its a game!!!!
    I still don't get can you say this when HE LOST THE GAME!

    The greatest player ever would have realized it was a social game and done it differently. Sure he was playing the social game up to the end, but it was a game that could only get you to the final 3...NOWHERE ELSE!!!

    Didn't people read my first post...give me a break people!

    The one thing I really don't get...and this happens every single season...why do people think it is okay to lie, cheat, steal, belittle others and be a douche because its "a game"?????????????? Last time I checked it wasn't okay to do any of those things in a game to win. Even though it isn't against any specific rules, doesn't make it right. For all of those that says he is the you do those things at every card game, board game or sport you play? If all that were true then they wouldn't have banned all the illegal substances they did in Baseball...just because it is a game, that doesn't give you the right to be like that.
  • GoChiefs
    Damn..some people take their 'Survivor' quite seriously! LOL
  • 2kool4skool
    How did Russell cheat? He played within the rules of the game

    And of course he lied. Everyone lies, it's Survivor. Do you think everyone just walks up to who ever's about to get voted out and tells them?

    It would be the equivalent of getting angry during a game of poker because someone bluffed you off a good hand. It's part of the game, and the part that makes it fun.