
So I want to become enlightened..

  • tcarrier32
    The Doors of Perception
  • tuskytuffguy

    Oh wait, you want something that'll blow your mind, oops.
  • O-Trap
    sportswizuhrd wrote:
    My wife actually has this. True story.

    A few I've enjoyed:

    ~ "The Extended Phenotype" by Richard Dawkins
    ~ "The Miracle of Theism" by J. L. Mackey
    ~ "Plowshares & Pruning Hooks" by D. Brent Sandy (who was actually a professor of mine in college)
    ~ "The Prophetic Imagination" by Walter Brueggemann
    ~ "The Great Philosophers" by Stephen Law
    ~ "A Year With Dietrich Bonhoeffer" (fantastically inspirational)
    ~ "Scaling the Secular City," "Christianity and the Nature of Science," and "Love Your God with All Your Mind" by J. P. Moreland
    ~ "The Myth of a Christian Nation" by Gregory Boyd

    I have most of these on my bookshelf. If you live in the Akron area, you'd be free to borrow them.
  • Society
    Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit

    by: Daniel Quinn
  • Con_Alma
    This might be enlightening to you.

    You should not start a sentence with the word "so".
  • GoPens
    If you like history, anything by David McCullough. Easy to read and one of America's great writers. I'd suggest John Adams or 1776.