for me tonite?!?!?!
Been going to dragons games since the first season. Their first month was on the road due to it not being done in time. First game I went to was in LF and the concession stands and restrooms werent even done yet!
Tonite will be my 4th trip there this year. The first three trips they didnt have the seat that my ticket is assigned to. About 2 weeks before teh season they ripped out a number of seats to make room for more handicap seating. In turn, they just replaced those seats with the cheap green stackable walmart chairs. Well, for our 4 tickets, of which the owner of them has had them since season two, they always are missing one seat!
The first couple of times they upgraded us to better seats, threw us some concession dollars and such. The last time the ticket dude just went and got another green chair and crammed it into the isle an I was sitting half way out in the walkway getting bumped all game. The plus to those seats is you can move them to get a better angle to watch but it still seems pretty shotty to me.
The ushers arent too happy about it either as almost every game someone asks where the seat is for their ticket.
Each time they give their pitch as to why, but never can answer the question of how they can charge us for a seat the doesnt exist, AND what happens if they need that area for handicap seating AND the people who use those seats show up as well?
oh..and its Cueto bobblehead night