
The Adjustment Bureau Idea

  • JTizzle
    Have you seen the movie and what do you think? Do you believe we already have the technology to read people minds, control thoughts. What about all working through wifi and being able to see what your seeing on a computer screen?
  • karen lotz
    I told you to start this thread.
  • June18
    Great movie. I don't think about it on a real life basis but it did make me think about how one experience could change everything about your life.
  • The Equalizer
    Just read a story the other day where Stephen Hawking is working with Stanford in an experiment that reads his brain waves. Right now they're having some basic early positive results with the hope that eventually the computer will be able to read brain waves and turn them into communication, essentially reading his mind. If that pans out I see no reason the technology won't be expanded.
  • JTizzle
    Yeah I believe there is already the technology to do this it would scare the crap out of most people! You would be surprised how easily it can be achieved based on how complex we percieve the brain to be. When in acuality all the brain consists of is varied elctronic pulses, communicating with different voltage or amperage type readings and pulses. Tap into one certain nerve in the brain and boom there you go, your in. It's kind of like hijacking a telephone line or something to that nature. If their talking about it you know they already got it.
  • gut
    I say where we are with AI shows just how far away we are from this type of tech. Fairly simple and straightforward to reverse engineer, so if what is proposed in this thread were correct then we would already have extremely advanced AI that basically replicates the brain (as opposed to immitating by processing massive amounts of data).

    Interpreting an electronic impulse in the brain is light years away from predicting behavior.