How to determine who to defriend on Facebook...must read
wes_mantooth22 of them....smh. My friends are the worst.
that_guyI only had 5
4 of them are people I haven't seen in years and never liked all that much anyway, but the 5th is my fiance. WTF, we're getting married in a month and this is how I find out she's a Nickelback fan? Stuff like that should have been disclosed on the first date. I just sent her a text letting her know that I'm defriending her on facebook.... -
Big_Mirg_ZHS32. Anyway to do this with friends who a members of i bet this pickle can get more fans than nickleback?
hoops23lol, only 4 for me... Nobody I talk to. They gone.
Commander of AwesomeOnly had one. She's attractive and posts bikini pics regularly so she stays.