
Today is D-Day

  • Classyposter58
    Just like to start a thread on this. 12,000 Allied Forces, 2500 of which were American, died on just this one day. The efforts they took to invade Europe were amazing and just wanted to post it
  • thavoice
    Never again will we see such an invasion.

    I cannot imagine what was going through the soldiers minds when they keep seeing guys getting slaughtered in front of them.
  • killer_ewok
    Much respect to all those fought and died that day. Makes me think of the first several minutes of Saving Private Ryan.
  • bases_loaded
    A month ago I was heading home from a jobsite in Virginia, saw signs for the National D Day Memorial and thought I'd swing by..

    One of the best monuments I've ever visited. If you're ever near Roanoke Virginia, do yourself a favor and stop by

  • OneBuckeye
    My Grandpa drove a truck pulling a artillery gun and hauling rounds. He landed on D-day in something like this.

  • Tiger2003
    Semper Fi