
OSU medical center traffic

  • friendfromlowry
    I'm heading to OSU's medical center tomorrow morning for a brief stint of work. I haven't been in Columbus in probably a couple years so does anyone know what the construction is like? I talked to an education director there today who suggested parking in the Safeauto garage (and get raped on costs). I'll be coming from Dayton and trying to get there by 7am. Google maps has me getting off at 315 onto Medical Center drive then turning left onto Westpark St where the entrance to the garage is. Google maps should be reliable but is there any construction to know of in the area that could fuck things up? Anyone have any suggestions?
  • said_aouita
    No construction heading that way this past weekend. Traffic should not be bad that early.
  • fiction
    the safeauto garage isn't that expensive
  • chicago510
    You going 70-670-315? Not familiar with 670, I never really travel East-West in Cbus. 315 is totally open. Some local construction around 12th ave with the new hospital being built, but nothing impactful to your route at 7am.
  • dlazz
    70 and 315 are both clear, Med Center is all tore up in various places because they're expanding over there. There are plenty of garages around though.
  • Anna-Town
    SafeAuto garage will be easy to get to. There will be some traffic because that is right around nurse shift change but shouldn't be bad all. Just follow the directions you stated above and you won't have a problem.