What does your user name mean?
Ironman92My high school's team name and my graduating year
Nothing to do with Mr. Ripken -
Ankle BreakerPretty much self explanatory here. My forte and reputation as a baller demanded this name.
RedIs4HeartI am a Bellaire fan. We wear red and black. When I was in school, we were successful. I remember sitting in a class talking about football, about why were so dominant. Our quarterback, I believe, said the difference is we wear red and black and the red is for heart. We had talent, but every player on our team had the heart of a champion. IMHO, this is why we are not so good right now. None of the kids have the heart, the desire, or the will to do whatever is necessary to win. Go Big Reds!
Did he say..krambman wrote: Kramb (pronounced cram) is my middle name, and when I was younger my dad used to call me Krambman.
Hey Krambman? -
FiradLast name backwards
zambrownInitials are involved....
Al CaponeDont worry about it!
HereticI'm a heretic. At least in my mind. My religious, political, etc. views don't conform to any real majority-type group and back in the day, if you went against the established religious belief, you were a heretic, so I'm keeping it going!
LocoEngineer66Was a locomotive engineer when I made up name
66 = birth year -
SQ_CraziesSQ=Salem Quakers
In high school our student section was the Quaker Crazies--hence Crazies. Had it since high school and figured I wouldn't change it after switching from JJ. -
ironman022002 graduate of Jackson High School.
High school's nickname is the Ironmen. -
Buckeye2BI live in michigan and desire to return to Ohio (am working on this one), hence I am a Buckeye to be.
JakeGiantMy name is Jacob, but go by its nickname, and Giant comes from Ross High Little Giants(alma mater).
SQ_Crazies^Yeah right, Giant describes the vacant space in your head where your brain is supposed to be.
mucalum49Mount Union College alum and 49 was my number on the baseball team there
eldduhjjkcufself explanitory
yeahgoaheadWhere I work I have to answer radio calls. When I get my name called I come back with yeah go ahead.
DarkonI'm on the dark side(site) now.
As Is -
power iHubby and his friend used to sit and talk about how wonderful the power i was. I thought because JJ's was a football forum I should have a name that had something to do with football. And I am wonderful.
GOONx19The guys on my high school cross country team went through a certain process to earn the name "goons". I was the captain of the team that made it to State for the 19th consecutive year.
vball10setmy daughter was an all-state setter in high school,and this was her jersey number in high school and college
derek bomarporn name
AngelAccording to dictionary.com. My user name has several meanings.
1. one of a class of spiritual beings; a celestial attendant of God. In medieval angelology, angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders (seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, powers, principalities or princedoms, archangels, and angels).
2. a conventional representation of such a being, in human form, with wings, usually in white robes.
3. a messenger, esp. of God.
4. a person who performs a mission of God or acts as if sent by God: an angel of mercy.
5. a person having qualities generally attributed to an angel, as beauty, purity, or kindliness.
6. a person whose actions and thoughts are consistently virtuous.
7. an attendant or guardian spirit.
8. a deceased person whose soul is regarded as having been accepted into heaven.
9. Informal. a person who provides financial backing for some undertaking, as a play or political campaign.
10. an English gold coin issued from 1470 to 1634, varying in value from 6s. 8d. to 10s. and bearing on its obverse a figure of the archangel Michael killing a dragon.
11. Slang. an image on a radar screen caused by a low-flying object, as a bird.
I'm going with #5.