
Dog Names

  • Firad
    Name him Swag.
  • Firad
    My dog is named Rocko. Best name for a dog.
  • said_aouita
    Best dog name I've heard used was "Ug" for an albino great dane.

    Short for ugly.
  • Belly35
  • ernest_t_bass
  • ernest_t_bass
    Name him Fly4Fun. Or better yet, Cry4Fail.
  • said_aouita
    Name him sumptin' like "cc609" if he unexpectedly starts humping your leg.
  • Raw Dawgin' it
    Last two dogs were Gus and Rufus - If i get another one i'll most likely name him after a Bruin.
  • Rotinaj
    Dude Love
  • Belly35
  • Mr Miyagi
    I used to have 4 Huskies, my favorite was named Bullit
    I think you should name him Stains, then when you need to call him to you you can just yell out " Come Stains! Come Stains!"
  • power i
    Cletus is the best name ever. Or Shirley for a female.
  • Flash
  • Bio-Hazzzzard
    We've owned two huskies, excellent dogs!

    Our first was named Nag who died of pancreotic cancer, I miss that dog. Our second and current husky is named Jack.
  • Early Cuyler
    My dog's name was Patton, after the war general.
  • sportchampps
    We named are dog sully after sullinger although my gf tells people he's named after the character in monsters inc
  • Curly J
    Sport. Can't get more sports themed than that.
  • ernest_t_bass
  • salto
    Don't name him Pujols, he'll find someone with better/more food and he won't come back.
  • said_aouita
    Is naming a black lab "tar" dumb?
  • cat_lover
    Cletus of course.