
AMC The Killing Season 2

  • KR1245
    Starts tonight with a 2 hour premiere

    Anybody else going to watch this season?
  • bigdaddy2003
    I am although I really don't know where the show can go from here.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    I'll DVR it. It really turned into a frustrating show. Started off great, then tanked, and then frustrated us all with the ending of season 1. Apparently, the killer won't be exposed until the end of the season.
  • bigdaddy2003
    I thought it was good the whole way through but that is just my opinion. Like I said I just don't know where it's going to go from here especially if they are going to reveal the killer in season 2.
  • hoops23
    I stopped watching after the 3rd episode. I'll probably watch tonight and then catch up S1 on Netflix
  • Gardens35
    Replay at 11pm
  • Laley23
    I have it DVRd, because I'm pot committed. I won't go the whole season though I'd it sucks. Season 1 was great for 8 episodes and bad for 5. The finale was a train wreck, IMO. Should have revealed the killer and taken the plot in a new direction.