
Remembering dreams

  • like_that
    dwccrew;1105914 wrote:Yes to both. It's especially weird when you are dreaming and you become self aware that it is a dream.
    Yes it def is. By the time I become self aware though, I normally wake up. I hope to become self aware very early, just to see the types of things I could do in my dreams.
  • Heretic
    dwccrew;1105914 wrote:Yes to both. It's especially weird when you are dreaming and you become self aware that it is a dream.
    I've done that before. It's usually in the morning after I've woken up if I decide I can afford to steal another hour of sleep. That "already been awake, but going back to sleep" time is when I can control dreams sometimes. But it always seems like shortly after I become aware it's a dream that I can control, I wake up.

    One really weird time had me constantly waking up and falling right back asleep into the same start to a dream. I was always in my bedroom, but when I left, it was a different house lay-out each time. I knew I was in a dream, but never really had any real control over it and I'd constantly wake up to fall back into it at the beginning again.
  • justincredible
    I wouldn't mind getting a hold of some DMT and seeing what kind of crazy visions popped up.
  • ernest_t_bass
    My favorite are sex dreams, that you can fap to.
  • DeadliestWarrior34
    dwccrew;1105914 wrote:Yes to both. It's especially weird when you are dreaming and you become self aware that it is a dream.
    I usually become self aware of my dreams when I'm having a bad one (I knocked a chick up in one once).
  • Belly35
    You don't ever want to dream my dreams.....

    However sometimes my dreams are very cool ... When I'm Flying ... can you fly in your dreams?

    note: When I fly I fly naked and meet (females) that can fly also nated .. it's a good thing..:laugh:
  • DeadliestWarrior34
    Belly35;1105944 wrote:You don't ever want to dream my dreams.....

    However sometimes my dreams are very cool ... When I'm Flying ... can you fly in your dreams?

    note: When I fly I fly naked and meet (females) that can fly also nated .. it's a good thing..:laugh:
    I went through a phase where I flew in my dreams all the time. It was awesome.
  • Devils Advocate
    I have this re occuring dream where I am trying to tune an old AM radio. No station ever comes in well and I keep tuning and tuning and tuning.....

    Then I wake up when My wife slaps me upside the head and tells me to leave her fucking nipples alone......
  • June18
    Pretty cool thread. Pretty cool to see that we all have some of the same types of dreams.

    As for the poster who said if you see your death you won't wake up.....I've always heard that if you land when you are falling you won't wake up.

    I take Paxil and ever since I started taking it my dreams are really vivid. I can usually tell you about them when I wake up.

    The being able to control your dream thing is pretty cool. I also like when I have the same dream over and realize that I know how it's going to end.

    I have also experienced dejavu. I have also experienced it and altered it intentionally because the dream was not a happy ending.

    The dream that I've had many times takes place at my grandma's house on her patio. There is a pig with claws covered in a sheet chasing me around with a broom. It stands on it's hind legs and runs after me. Scary at first but it hasn't caught me yet.
  • LJ
    Ive been having a lot of mundane but vivid dreams lately. So weird.

    Shit like helping my parents do chores, but my 3rd grade baseball team is the helping.
  • Curly J
    Raw Dawgin' it;1105902 wrote:I've had this dream a lot - i sky dive and my parachute doesn't open and i wake up in a panic right before i hit the ground.

    I've also had a few where i wake up after being shot.

    I have the same type, except its not skydiving its going over a hill that turns into a cliff.

    I also never feel the pain when getting shot in my dreams, but do start going down and always wake before hitting the ground.

    I don't know Raw, it must be the type of beer we are drinking.
  • gerb131
    I can't recall the last dream I remember.
  • chicago510
    ernest_t_bass;1105929 wrote:My favorite are sex dreams, that you can fap to.
    LOL, I do like when I have a random dream of banging some hot chick I know. Seeing someone naked in a dream isn't half bad.
  • Pick6
    I dont really have recurring dreams, although I do remember having a recurring nightmare when I was younger.

    I have some pretty random ass dreams and feel like I experience dejavu a lot.

    I've also had a dream within a dream. Not long after I watched Inception. Dont remember what it was about, but I remember because I told my girlfriend at the time who I watched it with about it.
  • Tiger2003
    I have dreams but I hardly remember shit. But I do talk in my sleep alot. The wife favorites are " The train the train" I guess in the middle of the night I just started screaming about the train and she was having a good ole conversation with me. And the other favorite is "Kumbaya Mother Fucker." just was singing that over and over.
  • Emmett Brown
    I don't think I have ever had a dream about my son. My wife has dreams about my son all the time.

    My craziest dreams happen when I take a nap and they seem longer than my dreams from when I slept at night. I usually only dream about two people a women from work and my wife.

    Anyone ever have a dream were they lost a tooth? It feels so weird.
  • dwccrew
    DeadliestWarrior34;1105939 wrote:I usually become self aware of my dreams when I'm having a bad one (I knocked a chick up in one once).
    That's how it normally is for me; I'm either having a bad dream or a strange dream and in the middle of it I become self aware that it is a dream.
    Emmett Brown;1106548 wrote:Anyone ever have a dream were they lost a tooth? It feels so weird.
    Yes and it does feel strange. I wake up feeling my teeth with my tongue to make sure they're all there.
  • Curly J
    I dreamed about my Dad every night for at least two weeks after he passed away.

    I've also had dreams within dreams. My weirdest though is when I'm sleeping and trying wake up and can't. I try to cry out a yell, sometimes I manage to other times I can't. Then when I wake up ask people in the room where I was napping if I said anything and it's always no. That usually only occurs in quick naps...aka Heretic's every waking moment.
  • bigkahuna
    This is going to sound dumb, but has anyone else had a dream and then get daja vu about it a few days/weeks later. It always starts out as something simple, like opening up the garage door or walking in from work. Then somehow, the actions that happen in real life happened in my dream a few days/weeks prior.

    Three that I'll always remember are

    1. Driving around a curve in my hometown (in the middle of town) and going off of the road into a lake of fire and lava. I scream out "Where am I, and the devil appears from the lava and screams, "You're in hell!" I woke up screaming; probably the only time I screamed from a dream.

    2. My grandpa came back from the dead(he's been dead for 11 years almost) to live present day with us. Everyone knew he had come back from the dead, but he looked normal like he had never left....Probably one of my favorite dreams.

    3. This one happened just a few weeks ago. The only thing I remember is someone whispering they were going to kill me. I wake up with my fist reared back to punch someone, and there stands my wife. She was telling me goodbye because she was leaving for work, and I almost hit her.

    I have the ones a lot where something's going on around me (someone talking/the tv) and it translates into a dream.

    I always found this funny. Whenever my mom sleeps away from home, she laughs HYSTERICALLY in her sleep and can't wake up. In the past, we've shaken, yelled, done everything to wake her up, but she won't do it. She can always remember the dream, and it's something crazy, but she can't be woken up from the laughing fit.
  • Sugartitz
    Okay I'll chime in before going to bed on my Chantix reoccurring dream. I always start of in a house I know, Grandma's, or one I grew up in, but the house changes as it goes. Then my sister joins me, she died tragically in 1991. We are looking for something and the house changes yet again, but we keep looking calmly, never scary. We never find what we were looking for...The husband says we are looking for 'smokes'.
  • Sugartitz
    Okay I'll chime in before going to bed on my Chantix reoccurring dream. I always start of in a house I know, Grandma's, or one I grew up in, but the house changes as it goes. Then my sister joins me, she died tragically in 1991. We are looking for something and the house changes yet again, but we keep looking calmly, never scary. We never find what we were looking for...The husband says we are looking for 'smokes'.
  • Curly J
    bigkahuna;1106583 wrote:2. My grandpa came back from the dead(he's been dead for 11 years almost) to live present day with us. Everyone knew he had come back from the dead, but he looked normal like he had never left....Probably one of my favorite dreams.
    It's not my Grandpa, but it's a dream I remember to this day. My old boss died of Cancer. One day I walk into the office and he's there behind the desk. I say I thought you died. He says no it was a mistake, I'm back !!! (I was never happier). Then we went on a discussion as usual. (I really miss that man !!!) I haven't worked there since 2005. I think he passed in 2004. What a great Dude. Part of the reason I left there was because he wasn't there anymore.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Sugartitz;1106593 wrote:Okay I'll chime in before going to bed on my Chantix reoccurring dream. I always start of in a house I know, Grandma's, or one I grew up in, but the house changes as it goes. Then my sister joins me, she died tragically in 1991. We are looking for something and the house changes yet again, but we keep looking calmly, never scary. We never find what we were looking for...The husband says we are looking for 'smokes'.

    Lol. Your husband must be an asshole. A bald asshole.
  • justincredible
    bigkahuna;1106583 wrote:This is going to sound dumb, but has anyone else had a dream and then get daja vu about it a few days/weeks later. It always starts out as something simple, like opening up the garage door or walking in from work. Then somehow, the actions that happen in real life happened in my dream a few days/weeks prior.
    It hasn't happened in a while, but I used to get deja vu a lot.
  • bases_loaded
    justincredible;1106706 wrote:It hasn't happened in a while, but I used to get deja vu a lot.

    Deja Vu is fucking weird