
This is crazy

  • bigdaddy2003
    I was listening to the radio the other night and the show that was on kept running this story and it literally made me laugh out loud about how crazy some people are.

    Wtf is wrong with people?
  • iclfan2
    More reasoning on why you should have to take a test to be able to have children. Sucks for the children but she should be in jail for having 12 children while not being able to care for one.
  • Go4alOngbOmB
    I dont think social services failed her....

    TROJAN failed her...or common sense. SHEESH. She is only 37 with 15 kids? What the 1940's is going on over there. tie em after 3. Until they can figure out to un-do that knot, life for all of us will be a LOT better.