
How many guys are guilty??

  • CenterBHSFan
    Of using their girlfriends, wives or shackups as an excuse to get out of doing something?!?

    So, my dude just stopped by long enough and to hang out for a bit. We don't have plans to do anything today or tonight because I'm going out with my friends tonight. I spent time with him yesterday.

    While here, one of his friends called and apparently asked him to go do something later on today.
    My dude says: "Nah, I've got plans with the boss today
    friend: ::::::::::something:::::::::::
    Dude: I'm here now
    friend: ::::::something:::::::::
    Dude: changes the subject

    He has no intentions of being here today!!! He's going up to my brother's to cut some wood and will be there till he has to go to work.

    So....he lied and worse yet, blamed it on me!!! haha

    Not that I'm mad about it, just wondering how many guys do this?
  • dwccrew
    Would you rather he be lying to you on the other end of the phone? At least he'd rather be with you than whatever it is his friend wanted to do. Some women would rather that, than vice-versa.

    Women, damned if you do and damned if you don't.
  • hasbeen
    if i don't want to do something and i want to continue to get invites from the person(b/c some people don't like hearing no) i'll say i have other plans. using a gf is good strategy b/c typically you get the "man, cut the leash! no, i'm kidding. i feel your pain. prayers from central ohio."
  • se-alum
    I usually use my friends as an excuse to get out of doing things w/ the girl!
  • fan_from_texas
    I'm guilty. If I'm not sure I want to do something, I always say, "Let me check with her first to make sure we're free. I don't want to commit to something without asking her first."

    Which, of course, is generally true, though it does provide a good excuse to avoid things I don't want to do.
  • CenterBHSFan
    crew, I'm not mad at him at all. I actually think it's funny!
  • dwccrew
    CenterBHSFan wrote: crew, I'm not mad at him at all. I actually think it's funny!
    LOL, sorry. I saw 'Not' and thought it said 'Now'. HAHA
  • cbus4life
    I'm guilty.
  • Fabio
    I'm a frequent user of the "girlfriend card". Its saved me from a lot of bad ideas.
  • enigmaax
    The problem with doing that (and I've actually seen it done more by women than men) is that then the friends hate the significant other and paint that person as the controlling, possessive ass. All reasons why I hate people in general.

    If you don't want to do something, why not just be honest?
  • Strapping Young Lad
    Why do dudes ike hanging out w/ their gf's (besides the obvious)??? Sex aside, I'd always rather hang out w/ my friends than gf.
  • RedRider1
    Kids provide a WONDERFUL excuse to never do anything again.

    Of course, many times it's justified....I never want to be the parent that brings their sick kid over to play.
  • ernest_t_bass
    LOL... your "dude."

    The Dude abides.
  • End of Line
    Bro's before Hoe's!!! haha.

    I've only done it a couple of times, so I'm guilty.
  • fortfan
    I've used the wife and used the kids to get out of doing things I didn't want to do. I guess it's good to see others have done the same.
  • mtrulz
    No! Never! I'll always take blame, even if it's something she did.
  • noreply66
    If it happens often -I would say good-bye
  • Fabio
    Strapping Young Lad wrote: Why do dudes ike hanging out w/ their gf's (besides the obvious)??? Sex aside, I'd always rather hang out w/ my friends than gf.
    So outside of sex it isn't supposed to be fun hanging out with the GF? Not trying to incite an argument, just asking.

    I have a fiance and I enjoy spending time with her outside of the bed room.I haven't used her as an excuse that often and my friends like her too. Hell I met her through my best friend, so its all good.
  • sleeper
    I have no use for a GF besides sex, and if we are not having sex, then I don't have a GF.