
You know what they say about big hands.....

  • Sonofanump
    Guys got some major stones.
  • Ironman92
    Who the hell doesn't go to the damn doctor if they double in size.....let alone 150 times the size.
  • berry
    Three goalie offers from the NHL.

    That's just wrong.
  • gorocks99
    AC/DC...I am disappoint.
  • Little Danny
    No way that guy can pitch a tent.
  • dwccrew
    Chuck Norris doesn't teabag women, he potato sacks them. This guy doesn't potato sack women, he whiskey barrels them.
  • OneBuckeye
    I hope he has watched the south park episode he could pick up a few tips.
  • 4cards
    ...I feel bad for the dude and want to help the brotha out and so should the rest of the OC. We could start a vtelethon for him and I'll get it rolling with a contribution of $1,000.00 of my vcash for his operation. Anyone else want to man up?
  • GOONx19
    I'll donate all of my 7 vcash.
  • derek bomar
  • derek bomar
    no reps for the south park image? geez...lame