I hate rap (unless it's in a club), and I hate country (except old Alan Jackson and Johnny Cash) even more. I used to be big into rock. The 1990's were the best in that regard. However recently I've become rather resentful with the direction of modern rock. I used to listen to 89X all of the time from Toledo, but nowadays it's just all garbage. I'm sick and tired of all of the nickelback bullshit they play. It all sounds the same.
My friends were gracious enough to inform me that the best music isn't on the radio. Over the last few months I've immersed myself in some fantastic indie rock bands like The Arcade Fire, Spoon, The National, The Decemberists, The Postal Service, and most recently (and probably my favorite) Frightened Rabbit.
Since indie rock is currently the equivalent to what alternative rock was in the late 1980's/early 1990's, it's sorta a hit-or-miss thing. There are plenty of good bands, albums, and songs out there, but there are also myriad terrible bands. Furthermore, it's largely underground and few people listen to it (God bless the internet! ).
That's why I posted this. Are there any other indie rock fans on the freehuddle? Any bands people should be looking out for?
Here are some of my favorites:
The Arcade Fire, from Canada
"Head Rolls Off:"
"Keep Yourself Warm:"
Spoon, from Texas
"I Summon You:"
"Rthym 'n Soul:"
All the bands you listed are terrific. Though, I have never heard of of Frightened Rabbit, I'll have to check them out.
Some other great indie bands to check out include:
The Thermals
Local Natives
TV on the Radio
Matt and Kim
Grizzly Bear
Don't know if they are fully considered indie rock but check out Red Wanting Blue. They are from Columbus and they are awesome
I like british indie/alternative as well as normal indie stuff.
Arcade Fire is great.
Fleet Foxes
Paper Route--> great band
Elbow- not really indie, but british alternative
The National
The Verve- British alt
Tim Tebow
I am a big fan...
Bright Eyes! amazing music and lyrics, Conor Oberst is not the greatest singer but you can feel the emotion in his voice in the songs. He was tabbed as "The next Bob Dylan" in terms of lyrical writing when he was at age like 15 or 16.