
Are you in debt?

  • Fab1b
    I mean credit cards, loans, cars payments? There was a time I was in major debt, the best thing that happened after my ex wife and I split was sell off everything and pay off it all. Outside rent, cable, phone, and electric I pay no further bills. Pay cash for it all. No car payments, loans, credit cards, nothing. Luckily I have a great job that pays well and I can rack up overtime when I need more cash. That my friends is the way to go!! Been that way for me the past couple of years and life is so much better/easy the past couple of years. Not to mention my savings accounts have blown up!! So how about you. Have debt, have a ton of debt?? What are you doing to fix that problem and get out of it?
  • Trueblue23
    Basically just student loans here
  • se-alum
    Hell yea!! It's the American Dream!!

  • Fab1b
    Nope not MPD please give me some credit here!

    But not credit I gotta pay back, LOL!
  • GoChiefs
    Let's see..where to start..

    $60,000 on my house
    $10,000 on one of my vehicles
    $40,000 in student loans between me and the wife
    $1,000 in credit cards
    $17,000 in other loans

    I'm gonna say yep..I'm in debt..what am I gonna do about it? Pay it money allows.
  • SportsAndLady
    I have no debt. My dad (and I) has been fortunate enough in his life to be able to pay for my college thus far, but this year I will be taking loans out for my last year and 2 quarters, so I will have some loans to pay back eventually.
  • h2thaizzo
    I got some debt. Fab, you are in Fla, with a good job, may I ask what you do, and if it sounds good, how I can apply? :)
  • Fab1b
    h2thaizzo wrote: I got some debt. Fab, you are in Fla, with a good job, may I ask what you do, and if it sounds good, how I can apply? :) is the only way to apply for State Farm though most jobs will be out of Bloomington, Illinois

    I work for Statefarm, going on 11 years now. I maintain our Claim Center/Call Center/Quote and Bind Centers accross the country staffing to ensure we have people where we need them to service the policyholders.
  • MrPoke
    50,000 from Grad and undergrad
    8,000 in Credit card, basically had to live off a credit card for a semester in DC
    2,000 on a car and that's all

    Credit score is still god as well.
  • sleeper
    Zero debt. I am hood rich and you can take that to the bank.
  • stroups
    around $40,000 for student loans but nothing else
  • se-alum
    I don't see the problem w/ having debt. I work so I can have nice things, and that means debt. Sure, I could sell off everything, pay it off, and pay cash for stuff. However, I don't see the point in driving a $5,000 vehicle I paid cash for, when I can drive a much nicer $30,000 vehicle. My goal is to be debt free by the time I retire.
  • wes_mantooth
    My kid is going to put me in debt.....braces this year...ugh.
  • raiderbuck
    The only real debt I have is credit cards. About $3700 in CC's. I pay rent, car is paid off, no student loans.
  • justincredible
    Student loan
    2 vehicle loans (0% interest on both)

    No credit card debt.
  • GoChiefs
    se-alum wrote: I don't see the problem w/ having debt. I work so I can have nice things, and that means debt. Sure, I could sell off everything, pay it off, and pay cash for stuff. However, I don't see the point in driving a $5,000 vehicle I paid cash for, when I can drive a much nicer $30,000 vehicle. My goal is to be debt free by the time I retire.
    Yeah..I don't care about debt long as I bring in enough money to pay my bills on time every month and still have some left's fine by me.
  • BuckeyeBlue
    I have a little bit of debt, but nothing where I feel in over my head. That being said, I plan on being debt free within 10 years.
  • Fab1b
    I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, especially if you can pay your bills and still have money in your pocket. I was just saying what is working for me and how much I enjoy not having the bills to pay, thats all. Now those that have tons of debt but can't pay it, those are the people that should be finding ways to get it down. Too many people in this country lived or live well beyond their means and that is part of crisis now and there was a time I certainly was part of that! Now I live above my means by making the cash to pay it off in full when I buy.
  • Trueblue23
    wes_mantooth wrote: My kid is going to put me in debt.....braces this year...ugh.
    Good luck with that one man.. cost my parents about $2,000 dollars for my braces..

    Make your kid take damn good care of them. I refused to wear a mouthpiece while playing basketball, you have no idea how many times I had my braces messed up from getting elbowed and stuff like that.
  • Terry_Tate
    70K in student loans
    11K left on car loan
    <2K on credit card

    Got the credit card to basically build credit. I have a well-paying job and have paid over 6K in principal in the last year, paying well over the minimum on the loans at some points. I've been paying the minimum lately to build up cash to buy a house and get the 8K first-time home buyer credit and I want to use part of that to help pay some more off. My goal is to have the car and the lesser of my 2 student loans(16K) paid off in 2.5-3 years so I can hammer the rest of my student loans. Once I get past those 2 I will be clear sailing.
  • Firad
    Just student loans as I am a sophomore in college.
  • gorocks99
    ~$70,000 in student loans, undergrad and grad school.
  • Curly J
    Just my Condo and my Jeep. Got credit cards, but they are paid off. Good thing because I have to help pay for my Daughter's wedding in April.
  • I Wear Pants
    Student Loans are the debt that I have.

    Although because of this whole financial meltdown debt is getting a worse rap than it needs to have.

    Companies cannot get buy without incurring debt at different times and a some durable goods like cars and houses would be incredibly difficult for the average person to obtain without taking on some debt. Although I think it's obvious that debt needs to be kept in check or else it can run your life.
  • Cat Food Flambe'
    Still have $80K on a 20 year mortgage , which will be paid off in 9 years at 5.25%. One week's take-home pay for Lady D'Friskies and I will cover the monthly payment. Many thanks to my parents, who paid for five years of college tuition (-and- dorm/board fees for the first two years), and also advanced/gifted me the portion of tuition my employer didn't cover for a second degree when I was in my thirties. I was -very- fortunate, and I fully appreciate it.

    Other than that - zip. And that's after 11 kid-years of college since 2004 - of course, I'm still driving a 2001 Windstar minivan. Dave Ramsey would be proud. :)