After you rep a couple of times in a row, Do you need a little rest?
Devils AdvocateI used to be able to rep all day and night. Now, more than often, I need at least a couple minutes before I can rep again.
I generally like to rep the same persom repeatedly, but am told I have to spread the rep around.
I am very offended that I cant rep myself whenever I want
Damn... It sounds like I am married to the OC!
What say you Chatter nation? -
enigmaaxRep. 3-2-zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
SportsAndLadyThere's nothing better than getting a repjob and after finishing the first time, don't let the repjob stop and go again
THE4RINGZI am older so rep once and sleep
SnotBubblesI tried repping two dudes at once and was told I didn't have enough power to get it done. So I just switched personalities and repped myself.
enigmaaxI got repped in prison.