baseball4What is it? And what do I do with it?
brutus161It is currency. You can use it to buy things like vcars, vcameras, and if you have enough, a vhouse. Hope that helps.
Scooter1369I'm a vCash broker. for a mere 5,000v donation, I'll help you properly invest it.
coyotes22brutus161;845355 wrote:It is currency. You can use it to buy things like vcars, vcameras, and if you have enough, a vhouse. Hope that helps.
And vHookers -
4cards...for 5,000 vcash you can take the kids and go on vacation to Visneyland;
enigmaaxcoyotes22;845358 wrote:And vHookers
said_aouitavDrugs. 609 is my vdealer.
coyotes22The vStrippers only cost $12 vBucks
enigmaaxcoyotes22;845375 wrote:The vStrippers only cost $12 vBucks
And all they do is dance. With vHookers, you get the whole pie.....and vAids to boot. -
coyotes22enigmaax;845377 wrote:And all they do is dance. With vHookers, you get the whole pie.....and vAids to boot.
The vSTD is the worst!! -
said_aouitaVisit the vclinic?
coyotes22said_aouita;845392 wrote:Visit the vclinic?
The vDoc is on vacation. -
enigmaaxEh, vMed only masks the vSymptoms anyway. There are no real vCures.
coyotes22enigmaax;845652 wrote:Eh, vMed only masks the vSymptoms anyway. There are no real vCures.
Thats why you need to donate vCash to the vFund and help find a vCure!!
We should have an OC "vWalk for vSTD's"!! -
O-Trapcoyotes22;845358 wrote:And vHookers
From the vPimp! -
O-TrapI know there's been discussion on here bout vJJ.
coyotes22O-Trap;845663 wrote:From the vPimp!
It appears you are a self renowned vPimp. -
O-Trapcoyotes22;845680 wrote:It appears you are a self renowned vPimp.
Funny part is, I did that earlier today, before this thread was posted.
Come on. Where do you think I get all this vCash? It's from my vHoes. -
coyotes22I hear vPimpin aint easy! Gotta get that vCheese
O-TrapYeah, sometimes you gotta vsmack a vbitch.
4cardsO-Trap;845697 wrote:Yeah, sometimes you gotta vsmack a vbitch.
...Snoop Dogg vsmacks his vbitchs with is vtennis shoe, he must be down with O.C.
O-Trap4cards;845712 wrote:Voc
Don't vcall it that. -