Crappy cops at it again!
coyotes22They go from shooting and beating innocent criminals, to now foundling and spanking!! What a POS cop! This just burns my britches, like he does not get paid enough, he has to make money on the side?!?! What a d*ic*
He should never be allowed to wear a uniform, in this great country, again!!Well, that’s what reportedly happened when one Los Angeles traffic cop appeared in a popular online porn series, fondling a porn actress’ breasts and spanking her. -
Glory Dayspics or it didnt happen...oh wait....
IliketurtlesHahah what a fucking moron. Wonder what the porn site is? The comments at the bottom are pretty funny.
Those Affirmitive Action hires are a real problem where ever they are placed, including the White House.He will always have a job with the Obama administration. He already has two qualifications in the bag!Sprinkle in a little CCW bashing and you’ve got a full blown Gestapo Obama-lover.