What don’t you know
Belly35What don’t you know about yourself?
I had a morning appoint to the VA today for a check up.
While I’m waiting I am talking to this guy .. He is rambling off his medication, blood pressure, heart rate, and diabetes numbers.
I’m thinking to myself WTF … Shit! Who knows shit like this and why?
Then I start to think what else don’t I know that I should know about myself
What the tires size of my truck and wife car .. this something I should know
What the phone number of the police and fire ... besides 911
If I didn’t have Vanity Plates would I know my license plate number?
Do I need to know birthdays and anniversaries.. I have them marked in my smart phone
Checking account numbers or routing numbers.. I have five accounts .. no way
I have to stop and think of the home phone number .. never call myself at home
Never know street address of anyone.. just know how to get there
Grammar and spelling … there I said it mofo
As I’m typing I think wait a minute… think of all the shit I do know..
Seven different e-mails
Four different passwords and where they are applied
Three different login in names and passwords
Shit load of website address
RPM need to shift without the clutch
Wife and daughters clothing and ring sizes
Grade of oil each car and truck need per season
Weight of paper
How much sq yd of mulch I need every year
Hex codes for different types of instruments
How to use my smart phone .. still learning
Cook without recipes
So what are something that you don’t know about yourself and those things that you do know? -
coyotes22I dont know,,,,,,,,,, Why I read this.
DeadliestWarrior34I know everything. End of story.