
AMC's The Killing. Were you surprised?

  • thavoice
    ...who Orpheous was?

    Good show..last weeeks was terrible, but this weeks was better.

    ONly 1-2 eps left.

    Any guesses whom the killer is?
  • coyotes22
    The butler, in the Library, with the candle stick.
  • Gardens35
    thavoice;800786 wrote:...

    Good show..last weeeks was terrible, but this weeks was better.


    Strongly agree.

    Good series, not even guessing who the killer is.
  • thavoice
    Just how these things go...the killer will be someone that the dont even hint it could be. With last nights revelation I am thinking it rules him out!!!!!!
  • Rebel_ I.N.S.
    I've been thinking it's Richmond's campaign adviser Jamie.
  • thavoice
    is that the weasle? I thoght so too...still waiting to see why though. about this...could it be that candidates gf who works on the campaign with him? Maybe she found out that he was a douche and had a thing with that girl and ended up klling her, puttin gin the car to derail his campaign? There is something about that relationship I think she is gonna screw him over
  • Rebel_ I.N.S.
    thavoice;802387 wrote:is that the weasle? I thoght so too...still waiting to see why though. about this...could it be that candidates gf who works on the campaign with him? Maybe she found out that he was a douche and had a thing with that girl and ended up klling her, puttin gin the car to derail his campaign? There is something about that relationship I think she is gonna screw him over

    The season finale will be very interesting to say the least.
  • ptown_trojans_1
    I was surprised.
    I thought Richmond was a good guy, turns out he totally wasn't.
    I still have no idea who did it. It could be several people (I still think the billionaire may have a role)
    Next weeks looks great.
    And I also really liked last week, it was a solid character building episode where we saw both the lead and supporting detective grow.
  • Rebel_ I.N.S.
    I couldn't believe that Holder is a corrupt cop. I have no clue who did it now.

    Belco pulling a Jack Ruby to boot. I can't wait for next season.
  • Quint
    Great cliff hanger!
  • ptown_trojans_1
    I liked everything up to the ending.
    Solid last episode. I liked the curve ball, and it makes sense if you think about it. Holder always had that shady side to him and he met someone in a car in the early episodes, so it makes sense.

    I hated the ending. Lame way to end it with no resolution. At least show a gunshot or don't lead on that the guy is going to shoot Richmond by showing him cleaning a gun.
  • TedSheckler
    ptown_trojans_1;807167 wrote: I hated the ending. Lame way to end it with no resolution. At least show a gunshot or don't lead on that the guy is going to shoot Richmond by showing him cleaning a gun.

    It was a horrible finale.
  • KR1245
    Rebel_ I.N.S.;807151 wrote:I couldn't believe that Holder is a corrupt cop. I have no clue who did it now.

    Belco pulling a Jack Ruby to boot. I can't wait for next season.

    This. I really liked the last episode. I want to know who picked Holder up at the end of the episode.
  • thavoice
    I was wondering what was gonna happen as it was 15 minutes left and didnt seem like it was going to have enough time to end. I checked the guide to see if twas 90 min or something. I was under the impression that they would wrap it up, and then a season two would be a whole new cast/murder and such.

    WIth that said....we gotta expect this killer is somene who they hadnt pointed th finger to yet.

    1. When that male cop was moved to investigator.....who did that? Could he got moved to be her partner for the sole reason of covering up a said crime from the current administration? Could Richmonds adversary put him into this position so he could stear the evidence?

    He mentioned photo art when he got into the car. Holden told him to put requisition in for her badge number in case they werent going to grant it for him. Did he end up doing it? If so, why would he do that if he was gonna be a part of the photo art? Or did she end up doing it?

    I almost think it is his girlfriend. Or maybe Rosie's aunt. Didnt they hint she was a prostitute for a short time? Or......the aunt is the same type that Richmond goes for...did he try to kill her and then she set up the murder?

    Alot of questions....i was disappointed because I thioujght they would wrap it up.
  • Mulva
    The Holder thing at the end was horrible. It really took a turn for the unrealistic.
  • bigdaddy2003
    Mulva;807931 wrote:The Holder thing at the end was horrible. It really took a turn for the unrealistic.


    I just finished watching the season. I had it all saved up on my dvr and finally got to it. At first I thought it was Belko, then Richmond, and then finally his girlfriend but not sure who it is now. Good cliffhanger but it sucks that we have to wait. I really like the show as a whole so far though.
  • KR1245
    bigdaddy2003;825138 wrote:Unrealistic?

    I just finished watching the season. I had it all saved up on my dvr and finally got to it. At first I thought it was Belko, then Richmond, and then finally his girlfriend but not sure who it is now. Good cliffhanger but it sucks that we have to wait. I really like the show as a whole so far though.

    I agree. Easily one of my favorite shows on TV. I never thought it was Richmond or Belko, I dont think we have been introduced to the killer yet
  • bigdaddy2003
    KR1245;825150 wrote:I agree. Easily one of my favorite shows on TV. I never thought it was Richmond or Belko, I dont think we have been introduced to the killer yet

    Did you have a guess as to who it was?
  • Mulva
    bigdaddy2003;825138 wrote:Unrealistic?

    Yes. Unrealistic.

    Holder framed Richmond. This means that Holder obviously knew he wouldn't show up in the surveillance footage. However, when making the request to have the footage reviewed, he put it in Linden's name. I can't imagine any scenario in which anyone (let alone a cop) would possibly be dumb enough to try and think the truth about a fake photo like that wouldn't come out. Like the operators of the cameras wouldn't go through with the request and contact her about it once it had been reviewed (or not reviewed since the cameras were down)?

    Equally unrealistic was the teacher's wife not recognizing Stan Larsen, who turned himself in for beating her husband into a coma. Not only was the Rosie Larsen case/family all over the news, it is completely implausible that the image of a guy who turned himself in for assault wouldn't be on the news or that she wouldn't know his name or who he was.

    Each subsequent episode got more and more implausible, and it just moved painfully slow. They should have spent more time in the middle of the season finishing up with the character development instead of doing absolutely nothing and still trying to make the characters more complex and deeper in the final 2 episodes of the season. They just kept throwing more shit in about a character whenever it was necessary to do to add another twist.

    It started with a lot of promise, but I doubt I'll even tune in for season 2.
  • KR1245
    bigdaddy2003;825157 wrote:Did you have a guess as to who it was?

    Not really. I just dont see it being one of the main characters, thats too easy
  • bigdaddy2003
    Mulva;825320 wrote:Yes. Unrealistic.

    Holder framed Richmond. This means that Holder obviously knew he wouldn't show up in the surveillance footage. However, when making the request to have the footage reviewed, he put it in Linden's name. I can't imagine any scenario in which anyone (let alone a cop) would possibly be dumb enough to try and think the truth about a fake photo like that wouldn't come out. Like the operators of the cameras wouldn't go through with the request and contact her about it once it had been reviewed (or not reviewed since the cameras were down)?

    Equally unrealistic was the teacher's wife not recognizing Stan Larsen, who turned himself in for beating her husband into a coma. Not only was the Rosie Larsen case/family all over the news, it is completely implausible that the image of a guy who turned himself in for assault wouldn't be on the news or that she wouldn't know his name or who he was.

    Each subsequent episode got more and more implausible, and it just moved painfully slow. They should have spent more time in the middle of the season finishing up with the character development instead of doing absolutely nothing and still trying to make the characters more complex and deeper in the final 2 episodes of the season. They just kept throwing more shit in about a character whenever it was necessary to do to add another twist.

    It started with a lot of promise, but I doubt I'll even tune in for season 2.

    Yeah, I see what you are saying but I will still tune in next season. I don't have to have a show that is realistic to enjoy it. To each their own I guess. I concur that they didn't spend enough time on character development though. It has it's pros and cons like every show but so far I like it outside of the cliffhanger they left us with.

    KR1245, Yeah it doesn't appear to be a main character as of right now. I just hope they don't pull a character totally out of left field.
  • Mulva
    bigdaddy2003;825391 wrote:Yeah, I see what you are saying but I will still tune in next season. I don't have to have a show that is realistic to enjoy it. To each their own I guess. I concur that they didn't spend enough time on character development though. It has it's pros and cons like every show but so far I like it outside of the cliffhanger they left us with.

    Neither do I usually, but for a murder/crime type show it should have a semblance of "that might actually happen" in my opinion. The reason I liked the first few episodes so much was because it was a more gritty, realistic type show. It wasn't completely glamorous (don't think that's the word I'm really looking for, but I can't think right now) and over the top.