
Sushi in Cincinnati

  • se-alum
    Anyone have a go-to sushi spot in Cincy? Headin' down next weekend to visit a friend, and sushi is on the to-do list.
  • sherm03
    I'm not a big sushi fan. But I've got some friends are. They always go to either Beluga or Wild Ginger in Hyde Park, or to Dancing Wasabi in Mount Lookout.
  • se-alum
    Thanks! I'll check 'em out.
  • justincredible
    I believe Dancing Wasabi has half price sushi almost all the time. There is a sushi buffet just North of 275 on 71 called Kyojin that is pretty damn good. Sushi buffet doesn't sounds great but it surprised me. Even Chris Welsh eats there. If it's good enough for The Creeper it's good enough for everyone.