
Encyclopaedia Britannica

  • Belly35
    Encyclopaedia Britannica

    We are doing a little house clearing.
    My wife father years ago (1971) gave us two.. not one but two sets of Encyclopaedia Britannica. I don’t know what edition they are but will find out. Whatever they are we have two different editions I’m sure. One set has 28 books and the other set has maybe 26 book. Nice books leather binding, deep red w/ gold lettering great for display in the book case.

    What the hell to do with them?

    Give then to a library, sell on ebay, give to OC member… no sell to an OC member

    One thing I do know they are heavy...
  • OneBuckeye
  • j_crazy
    i also have many leather bound books....

  • 4cards
    ...I remember when I was a kid seeing some guy going door to door selling these. Poor fucker would have to walk for miles and miles to make (1) sale a day if he was lucky.
  • Bigred1995
    You won't get much for selling them (unless they're a first edition I believe), because 1971 really wasn't that long ago. The coolness factor of being able to look through them and seeing what's changed since is all they're good for right now! I'd imagine most if not all libraries already has a copy. If I were you, I'd think about keeping them in your family. You nor your kids may have any use for them, but imagine the kick your grand and great grand kids will have looking through them. Being able to see what things we got wrong, the things we got right and things still unknown. And if things continue on it's current path, it may be an event for them to see an actual book! :) The pain here will be storage, but that's what I would do.
  • I Wear Pants
    Honestly burn them. Most libraries won't even take them anymore and neither will Goodwill a lot of the time.
  • Sonofanump
    Internetz (or Wikipedia) has made these useless.
    Donate them to a good cause.
  • cbus4life
    DO NOT give them to a library.
  • I Wear Pants
    Make some shelves.!368814/diy-invisible-floating-bookshelf

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  • ts1227
    I prefer Encyclopedia Dramatica, even though it no longer exists in any useful form.
  • 4cards
    THE4RINGZ;747447 wrote:Donate them to a good cause.
    ...send them to Andy Dufresne % Shawshank Prison
  • Belly35
    I have a better idea .... Belly idea

    I&#8217;m going to cut off the leather binding and make a pairs, swim suit or shorts&#8230; New Trend wear what you know on your ass

    Use the paper to wipe my ass and those that come over can read in bathroom and dispose of their knowledge at the same time
  • UANyg
    i'll take a set for free
  • FatHobbit
    I have three sets from when I was a kid that I keep for the nostalgia.
  • password
    Is this the childrens edition or the adult version of Encyclopaedia Britannica?