majorspark;746803 wrote:First off let me say I am saddened by those innocent children that lost their lives that day. You are right the actions of a couple of sociopaths set in motion a chain of events that would change the high school experience at a national level. Nationally high school kids lost their innocence.
I went to a small rural high school with a graduating class in the 50-60 range. Jr/Sr high were all under one roof. Most of my high school experience was in the late 80's. Other than education our school administrators biggest worry at the time was when to allow us to wear shorts, their length (at the knees), and the length males could grow their hair. We had the occasional ultra rebel that would sneak a smoke in the boys room or pass out a few pouches of Skoal bandits to his buddies at lunch. We had your typical "bully" events to use the current buzz word of today. The doors were always unlocked. After school hours parents coming to pick up their kids after practice could walk right in an get their kids shooting hoops in the gym while waiting for them.
My three children attend the very same school today. My how things have changed. Hair length, when to wear shorts, and their length are the least of the schools worries today. Cameras in every hallway. Locked doors. Anti-bullying indoctrination everywhere. Signs (like the ant-smoking signs just substitute the word bully), assemblies, and anti-bullying role playing skits. My kids complain about this anti-bullying thing as a waste of time. Think about all the money that is diverted from educating our children that is now spent on all of these things.
National events and an idiot kid brings a gun to school to look cool. Now some troubled or smart ass kid has the power while taking a shit to whip out his pen and scrabble a hate message or threat on the stall door and reek havoc on the school. Double lock down. Search all backpacks, lunch bags, and excuse frightened students from school. Its all happened at my kids small rural school. My son got sick and barfed outside the classroom door because all the crap you got to go through to get a hall pass. Basically he was forced to yell out in class "I have to throw up" then bolt for the door. It will not be long before you can not take a shit without school personnel outside the stall door.
I am not saying I disagree with all these security procedures. I do think we go to far because of a small amount of troubled individuals we become unreasonable in balancing freedoms we hold with security. The horrible actions by a couple of students at Columbine High School and the horrible actions of a relatively small group of people (on the worlds scale) on 9/11 (as mentioned above) it seems common sense and reason are always the next casualties.
Very good post. I would say that my high school experience (2000-2004) was very similar to yours in the 80s. I remember at least one of my friends or some boy in the school getting in trouble EVERYDAY because his pants were too low (much like your shorts reference). I too grew up in a rural school, although bigger than yours. I can remember some of the doors being locked but not all of them like today. Also, there wasn't a big push on bullying like there is today, and this is just 5-10 years separated.
It's funny because I went to a bullying training just a few weeks ago. The #1 thing that I came away with that training is that "Bullying is Bad." NO SHIT. I agree with you. We spend too much money on stuff that is going to happen regardless. You will never stop bullying, it's part of being a kid. I'm willing to bet that everyone on this board at some point was either picked on or did the picking. Now people say that we should change to school uniforms because it would stop the bullying. No, kids will find something else to pick on someone about. Then people say that private schools don't have bullying issues, so why do public schools? Because, public school is free. If you get in enough trouble at a private school, you can get kicked out, and there goes mom and dad's $10,000.
A lot of this goes back assinine state that our society is in; where people are more sensative than ever before. People find out that I'm liberal and automatically lump me into that category of PC and what not, and it pisses me off. Has all of this stemmed from the events of Columbine? I doubt it, but it sure helped fuel the fire.