Turkey season ...shroomin and rain
Ironman92Northern Highland Co.
LJPosting from the blind. Wind REALLY picked up here in se delco. Probably gameover for the day
mcburg93just got done walking the railroad tracks and found 31 yellows and 47 grays turning out to be a good year
iref iumpWent Turkey hunting yesterday. It was REAL muddy, making it hard to get around quietly. Heard a few gobbles at daybreak and no more the rest of the morning. A deer came by early, then a hen was about 200 yds. away. About an hour later my hunting buddy whispered to look to the right behind us. 3 jakes walking through the heavy cover, no clear shot. They came out of the cover, barely glanced at our decoy spread and walked away without either one of us having a clear shot. A bad day hunting is still better than a great day at work though.
mcburg93found about 30+ shrooms im my yard and prolly another hundred or so in the woods. Love this time of year all except for the rain.