Jury Duty.
THE4RINGZNext week I am suppose to do my civic duty and sit on a jury in municipal court. No common pleas for me, I get to spend a day listening to someone who is fighting a traffic ticket, no murder case for this guy.
I have only served one other time, about 20 years ago I wasted a day on a shoplifting case where a woman had lifted a cigarette case from a store and requested a jury trial. Let me repeat that, a cigarette case, NOT a case of cigarettes. The thing was valued at $4.00. The trial lasted from 8:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. FML
Does anyone else have exciting stories about jury duty?????? -
June18I served on a murder trial in 2006. We ended up hung. The victim was an 11 year old girl and we had a school nurse on the jury who just in the jury room and cried. We were all voting not guilty and she kept telling us that she didn't have any evidence but she knew in her heart that the suspect was guilty.
It was an extremely interesting experience. I would do it again in a heartbeat. -
4cards...I was forman on a jury about 2 years ago & we had a velonious assault/robbery case. It was pretty good. The dude was robbing a convenient store and there was some question as to if he actually had a gun & pointed it at the employee or was it just robbery. If he pointed the gun, then it's felonious assault. The best part of this was a retired cop saw the robbery taking place from outside his car and when the dude came running out of the store the old cop pulled his piece.
This is when the story gets interesting. The retired cop says the robber pulled his gun and the both fired at the "very same time". The store clerk admitted later she only heard (1) gun shot & they never found a gun on the robber later that night once they caught him. Now the robber had a gun shot wound to the arm, but said he was never there but the video tape clearly shows him as there. The retired cop was lucky he didn't kill the kid, because we all felt the kid only pretended to have a gun.
The jury found him not guilty on the felonious assult (no weapon pointed nor found with him when arrested) but guilty of the robbery (his 3rd conviction). The judge gave him 6 years in the slam.