No Clapping … Philistines
My wife and I have been to so many high school musicals (daughters in high school 9 year period of musical and concerts). We have visited some of the great theaters in New York, Chicago, Cleveland, Ontario, Europe and Sydney and witness great plays and musicals. We plan each year for two or three performances yearly.
Ladies and gentlemen please turn off your cell phone OK that a given but some asshole never listens.
The next thing that should be state is this, “Don’t clap mofo after every musical number” please hold your applause for the beginning of intermission where you can do something with your hands that you’re qualified to do and at the closing of the performance where you can then show your joy with the clapping and cheering.
People clapping or worse yet cheering in the middle of a play or musical, at the end of the individual song is WRONG. I don’t care if it your son or daughter nobody cares. You want me to boo him or her if they suck.
What the hell! You think that the next few minute the performance will stop just because you’re clapping …hell no.
What you Philistines have just done is interrupted what someone else paid to hear and experiencing of a great performance by you flapping of hands.
Are we as a society so stupid that we can separate the field of play and Broadway…?