
Need Some Advice, Helping A Friend Through A Break Up

  • darbypitcher22
    Ok, so here's the long story short, my buddy was dating this broad for 2 years, she decides she wants to break it off with him. Well not a week after they broke up she starts seeing his best friend. They both played ball together for three years and its kind of shady shit. I was at the bar with him tonight trying to get his mind off of the situation and she walked in the place. She's everywhere he seems to be lately, but not by coincidence, she's making it a point to be there with the new guy. His life is falling to hell right now and me and some other people are convinced he might be on the verge of a break down. Any ways to help him?

    By the way, we got him talking to some other women immediately thinking that would help and things seemed to be going well until she walked in tonight and he about tore up the entire bar.... Any help to keep his mind off of this broad would be helpful
  • se-alum
    You can't really do much. It's going to take time for him to get over her. Taking him out to get drunk and bang other chicks isn't going to help in the long run, it's just a very temporary solution.
  • darbypitcher22
    We weren't really taking him out to get him hammered and to bring home another chick( that was his idea for the night), but were out to watch the Sabres/Rangers game (he's a huge fan and we don't get Versus). I know that this won't help him at all

    Money over bitches.
  • Fab1b
    Well it doesn't sound like this other guy is really much of a friend to him after all. I mean my bros and I have limitations and ask each other before we date someone's ex if they are a close friend! Nothing you will do will actually help him, time will! Just be there as his friend, give him the shoulder if he needs one to lean on and help keep his mind occupied but in the end it will be time that heals the wounds.
  • tuskytuffguy
    Tell him, Bros before Hos.
  • Timber
    I think he just found out he thought he had a best friend. A best friend would not go out with his buddies ex one week after a breakup. Time will heal... pain is a part of healing, misery is optional.
  • darbypitcher22
    Yeah, this guy ws trying to move in on this while they were still dating, and I had the pleasure of spending spring break with him in Florida and its all the guy could talk about. She hasn't been trying to hide the fact that the new guy apparently makes her happy in ways my buddy never could.
  • Fab1b
    He might want to curb stomp is now ex best friend and do his ex's sister, BF, and mom.
  • darbypitcher22
    Trust me he wants to curbstomp the guy but we've explained to him that does nothing but send him to jail and cost us all money, us to bail him out and him once all the charges are levied...
  • sleeper
    Tell your friend to man up. Why do guys QQ like shit over one broad? Yeah, yeah, I was young and delusional at one point too, but come on. There used to be a time where I'd care about a single breezy, but now, I can't even keep the names straight of all the girls drooling over me.

    Sounds like your friend needs a life.
  • like_that
    Tough situation to be in. As se-alum said, only time is going to heal it. She sounds like a piece of shit to me, along with his former "best friend." He doesn't need to be with someone like that. Obviously that is a difficult to explain to him at the time, but I am sure he will eventually realize that. Sounds like you and your buddies are the true friends. As already suggested, just try to keep his mind busy. Karma is a bitch and she will get hers.
  • Murdski99
    Damn thats a really shady situation and obviously beating the ex best friends ass wont solve anything, but to me it sounds like its necessary.
  • Heretic
    First, if the dudes are/were supposedly any sort of friends, it'd be interesting to see why the one is going along with the chick's "show up wherever he is" plan. Let's put it this way. I have little honor. If I looked at a friend as expendable, I'd do their girl the second she let me know that could happen. But I wouldn't turn it into public humiliation by flaunting that in his face. Using this situation, that point is overkilled by this chick not hiding the fact that dude's better in the sack.

    Which brings back the point that whether he gets it or not, dude deserves an asskicking. For all I know, your friend's a total dipshit whose losertude drove her to a more suave guy she met through him. But for her to flaunt that is pure bitchitude and for him to go along with it is pure assholeitude.
  • Belly35
    Your friend is weak and immature, tell him to grow up and move on.
    Jealousy is for those with a lack confidence and self discipline. It does matter who she going out with (cheap shot with his friend) but I would say both are not really trusts worth so take them off the list of friends. He does not have to show any dislike or anger to them that would be childish and only make him look stupid ( as he is doing now). Man up mofo …
    Bottom line is simple …. He acting like this is the only piece of ass he has even gotten. Is that the image he wants to display to everyone including potential other girls? Women don’t want weak, immaturity guys they want is men with confidence.
  • ernest_t_bass
    Do his best friend.
  • Gblock
    THE4RINGZ;729410 wrote:M.O.B.

    Money over bitches.

    i lol'd on this one

    the plan is still paper over pu$$y
  • OneBuckeye
    Belly35;729549 wrote:Your friend is weak and immature, tell him to grow up and move on.
    Jealousy is for those with a lack confidence and self discipline. It does matter who she going out with (cheap shot with his friend) but I would say both are not really trusts worth so take them off the list of friends. He does not have to show any dislike or anger to them that would be childish and only make him look stupid ( as he is doing now). Man up mofo …
    Bottom line is simple …. He acting like this is the only piece of ass he has even gotten. Is that the image he wants to display to everyone including potential other girls? Women don’t want weak, immaturity guys they want is men with confidence.
    +1 good for him that the "best friend" did that because now he really knows that guy is a major doucher so he doesn't have to be friends with him.
  • Fab4Runner
    This girl is a cunt and his ex "best friend" is a douchebag. While I think it's wrong that they are together so soon it is even more disgusting that they are both flaunting the relationship in front of him. Unfortunately there isn't much anyone can will just take time. Just be there for him and help any way you can. It's obviously going to be even harder if he keeps running into them in public but things will get better eventually.
  • Belly35
    What does it matter if they do run into each other …. WTF you can hide ... Man up and be nice that will make them question their relationship and make her think about their 2 years and the relationship they had. Nobody said you had to send the congrads cards or buy drinks just be in control.
    Patients, timing and control …. He’s playing their game, on their field their way ..Can’t do that change the rules, alter the situation and teach yourself the value of not being emotional in times of problems and stress.. Fucking Jack wagon

  • thavoice
    Honestly, the best way is if you can convince him to "kill her with kindness". Act as if nothing is wrong when she comes around. Do not call, text, email, contact her whatsoever.

    Getting another woman into the picture isnt the answer. Not fair to him, and especially the other woman. I have been through many relationships and such and the ones that ya act plain normal after the breakup is the best way to go. can even get her back.

    WIll be tough though...that is for sure....but dude has to plain forget about it.....and when she is around act like the world is full of rainbows and unicorn vagina's.

    ...and that doesnt work he needs to have a 9-some with her best friends, sisters and mom
  • O-Trap
    #1 - Upper deck his ass.
    #2 - Just keep him busy. Doesn't matter what it is. Volunteer in the community. Take a part-time job. Whatever it is, fill his schedule so he doesn't have time to sit around and mope.
    #3 - You and your buddies (without his knowledge) put on masks and jump the guy. He deserves a good stomping. (half kidding on this, guys)
    #4 - Sign up for a FB account pretending to be a hot chick. Friend him, and try to seduce him. Then, friend her and gush to her about this hot guy who she's gonna hook up with. ;) (I'm not kidding about this.) Few things can be as damaging as a significant other finding out that you are talking to an ewhore.
    #5 - Laugh your ass off about any problems in their relationship that may ensue.
  • O-Trap
    thavoice;729617 wrote:Honestly, the best way is if you can convince him to "kill her with kindness". Act as if nothing is wrong when she comes around. Do not call, text, email, contact her whatsoever.
    Dammit, man! This isn't a thread for reasonable solutions! :D
  • O-Trap
    ccrunner609;729623 wrote:Like others have gotta hit her where it hurts. Bang her best friend, sister, Mom. Bang the dudes ex., sisters, Mom........I would then tell all of them that I had some sort of VD.

    Better yet, find a way to lend credibility to the idea that the ex-best friend has a VD. :D Then watch the fight that takes place as a result.