
PAX East

  • McFly1955
    Any other video game nerds following PAX East?

    I want some more info about Brink, been following that damn game for awhile....

    Also interested in some reviews/impressions of Homefront, Crysis 2, and Socom 4...I'm going to pick one of them up, just haven't made my mind up yet....

    Confirmed Playable (Alphabetical Order):

    * Arcana Heart 3
    * Bastion
    * BattleBlock Theater
    * BattleField 3 - MUST HAVE AN EA GUNCLUB ACCOUNT (free to create here: )
    * Beyond Good and Evil HD
    * BlazBlue Continuum Shift
    * Brink
    * Carnival Games: Monkey See, Monkey Do
    * Child of Eden on Kinect
    * Dance Central
    * Dead or Alive: Dimensions
    * Duke Nukem: Forever
    * Dyad
    * Earth Defense Force 2
    * Fable III (PC)
    * Firefall
    * Fire Pro Wrestling
    * Gears of War 3
    * Guild Wars 2
    * The Gunstringer
    * Homefront
    * Hunted: The Demon's Forge
    * Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet
    * Jurassic Park
    * Kid Icarus: Uprising
    * Kinect Sports
    * League of Legends
    * The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
    * LEGO Star Wars III
    * Michael Jackson: The Experience
    * Might & Magic Clash of Heroes
    * Mortal Kombat
    * Ms. Splosion Man
    * Nintendo 3DS - hardware
    * NintenDogs + Cats
    * Okamiden
    * Orcs Must Die!
    * Outland
    * Pilotwings Resort
    * Pokemon B/W
    * Portal 2
    * Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
    * Section 8: Prejudice
    * Shoot Many Robots
    * Skulls of the Shogun
    * Slam Bolt Scrappers
    * Snake361
    * Steel Diver
    * SpyParty
    * Star Wars: The Old Republic
    * Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition
    * Toy Soldiers: Cold War
    * Trenched

    Confirmed Being Shown/Panel Only:

    * Bioshock Infinite - May not be on show-floor, but is being shown to press
    * Call of Juarez: The Cartel - Might Be Playable, Will definitely be there
    * The Darkness 2 - Might Be Playable, Will definitely be there
    * Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Panel Only
    * Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning - Panel Only
    * L.A. Noir - Might Be Playable, Will definitely be there
    * RAGE - Panel Only
  • I Wear Pants
    I wouldn't make it Crysis 2. Especially if it isn't for the PC.
  • McFly1955
    I Wear Pants;707791 wrote:I wouldn't make it Crysis 2. Especially if it isn't for the PC.

    agreed. I have a PC that can handle it, but even still, I probably won't go with Crysis.

    Current ranking for me:


    I'm probably gonna go with Homefront, early reviews are good and the latest gameplay vids look sweet....Kind of more like Battlefield...

    Can't friggin wait until Battlefield 3.
  • I Wear Pants
    Yeah, Battlefield has always been a favorite series of mine and BF3 looks unbelievably good.