I Guess
cometgradWell I have been reading the Huddle for years, but I never posted. I'm very glad that Justin created this one. Today i login and find out that I am a lurker. So helllo everyone..
dwccrewLet me be the first to say
Curly JMuch of us are lurkers over yonder or have become. I became a lurker there by boozing it up and getting carried away. It was fun. (Thank you Mr Excellent and Labradoodle where ever you are now). Unlike before, take part in the fun that is the Freehuddle Cometgrad !!! Not from Mason are ya?
dwccrewI've always been in the mix.
cometgradNo not from Mason...Marion actually. And thanks DW, i try to tell cool stories
dwccrewYou're welcome. It's the least I could do to welcome you into this world.
Curly JAh, we have the Mason Comets in my area. Thought ya might be a 'local' in the Nati area. There are only a few of us here. (including the Justincredible)